Page 156 of Broken Lines
Jackson steps on a puddle of broth and noodles and instantly loses his footing. I gasp, but he’s laughing as he falls onto his ass on the floor.
“Fuck, are you okay?”
“See? I told you ramen is shit.”
My concern drops like a bad habit. My eyes narrow to slits as he sits there laughing on the floor, bringing the bottle to his lips.
Fuck this.
I turn and start to walk out of the kitchen.
“Where are you—”
“Away,” I snap.
And then I hear it. First, him slumping against the island.
Then the sound of cocaine being sniffed.
I whirl on him, marching over in a blind rage and sneering down into his glassy-eyed face. But Jackson just grins up at me, raising a hand.
“Little help?”
“I saidno, Jackson.”
I start to turn away when his hand slides up to cup my ass.
I shiver. And for a second, I almost break. I almost cave, and sink onto his lap to kiss him, or fuck away this stupid shadow hanging over us, and between us.
But I don’t.
“I’m going to bed.”
“Go drink yourself into a stupor for all I care. And don’t you fuckingdarecome up tonight,” I spit venomously.
“Or I’ll leave.”
He goes silent. When I turn to him, he’s glaring at me, still on the floor, still bringing that fucking bottle to his lips.
“I’m sorry,” he grunts quietly.
“Yeah, me too.”
Then I turn and march away. And I manage to keep it together until the second I’m behind the door of his bedroom.
And then, I lose it completely.