Page 180 of Broken Lines
My eyes narrow.
“I’m sober, actually.”
I glare at her and then nod at the guitar case on her back.
“That yours?”
“You’re a musician?”
“No, I make cakes in the shape of guitar cases.” She rolls her eyes when I don’t react at all to her sarcasm. “Yes, I’m a musician.”
I smile thinly. “Tell you what. That demo I’m sure you’ve been dying to give me?”
“I don’t—”
“Go ahead and shove it up your ass, then you can hum it to me as I drive away. Sound good?”
Her eyes narrow.
“Okay,A, fuck you—”
“We’ve already established that that is most certainly not happening. Now, get the fuck out of my way.”
I step around her, moving to the bike.
“I’m here because ofMelody, you pompous douchebag.”
I freeze instantly. My muscles clench tightly, my teeth grinding as my eyes narrow to lethal slits. Turning, I inhale slowly as I glare at the girl with the guitar.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m June Hendrix.”
“Speak, June Hendrix.”
“Okay, could you maybe lose the shitty attitude and just talk to me like a normal fucking person? You also can go ahead andnottalk at all. That’d work fine for me.”
I suck on my teeth before I open my mouth.
“What about Melody?”
“I’m worried about her.”
My mouth thins as I turn towards my bike.
“Not my problem.”
“Oh my God, are you still bent out of shape about that fucking article?”
My teeth flash as I whirl on her.
“A bit,” I snap. “Yeah.”
“Well, get over—”