Page 101 of Vicious Hearts
“And Una’s as well!” Callie snaps at him. “Hades, she was standingright next to ittoo!”
My eyes are unblinking as they stab through him.
“Yeah, you can fucking psycho-eye me all you goddamn want, Cillian,” he hisses. “It doesn’t change what we all just heard. That wasSeamus.”
“Who is dead.”
“And still setting offbombs, somehow!”
Dimitra strides forward and slaps his hand with a cold look on her face.
“She’sfamilynow!To aíma eínai aíma!”
Blood is blood.
Fury explodes over Hades’ face. “Yeah, Ya-ya?” he snaps. “Exceptherblood”—he jabs a furious finger past me at Una—“ispoison!Her bloodalmost killed my fucking brother!”
My eyes turn to dangerous slits as my hand slides into my jacket, fingering the blade I find there.
My violence roaring inside.
My mask of normalcy and humanity…slipping.
“I wouldsuggest,” I hiss quietly, “that you leave. Now.”
Hades looks like he’s ready to explode as he shakes his head.
“Her fucking father almost killed Ares and Neve. And thatdoes notgo away because you threw together some bullshit wedding to stop all the crazy Irish pricks in your own organization from tearing themselves apart like rabid dogs.”
My fingers curl around the handle of the knife.
“Cillian, she’s a fuckingO’Conor!”
“Yes. And I’m telling youone last timeto—”
“I mean for fuck’s sake, man!” he roars. “She tried to fucking kill y—”
I rush him, snarling, as the blade slips from my jacket, and comes to press against his throat while the rest of the room explodes in chaos.
“STOP IT!!!”
Everything freezes at the sound of Neve’s voice. My head whips around to see her standing in the doorway, leaning against Ares as he holds her tightly around the waist.
Her eyes dart to me first, and she shakes her head sadly.
“Cillian… Just put it away.”
My jaw clenches. My fingers tighten around the knife. Then, slowly, I pull away from Hades, slipping the blade back into my jacket.
Neve nods her thanks quietly before turning her eyes to Hades.
“Whatever anger you’re hanging on to, Hades, youhave to let that fucking go.”