Page 14 of Vicious Hearts
He shakes his head, his huge hands gripping the wheel as he focuses on his Formula One approach to the West Side Highway.
“Thatwas making sure I get you to Dr. Blythe before you bleed the fuck out in my car.”
My jaw grinds as I glance down at the blood-soaked towel I’m pressing to my side, where the girl’s goddam knife is still embedded between my intercostals.
I wince as Castle takes an exit and my torso muscles contract again around the blade between my ribs. He makes a face as he glances at me.
“So, a girl…”
“Just drive.”
“A single—”
“Drivethe damn car.”
“Like, are we talking aViking-sized—”
“Stop fucking talking and drive.”
Castle is one of the very few people in my life I would allow to push me like this, especially given the situation. But even with him, there are limits.
Fuck Club Venom. And fuck their bullshit pathetic excuse for security that allowed that little psycho through the front door wearing a motherfucking knife as a hair barrette.
Yeah, murder.
Murder would have beenfarfucking easier.
And yeah, fuck hindsight, too, while we’re at it.
With a groan, I allow myself to sink back into the seat. My head lolls against the window, my eyes dragging east to drink in the sight of the city whizzing past us. The towering buildings of light and steel. The millions of people, quietly going about their daily mundane tasks.
The whole world silently agreeing to not tear itself and each other apart piece by bloody piece.
Rules. Society. Law. Order. Most people see it all as a framework. A foundation. A security blanket.
I just see it for the flimsy, whitewashed lie it is.
A sandbox to play in.
A system of lines and walls it’s probably best to stay at least partially inside.
Venom is just one of the several…outletsI utilize. One of the avenues by which the violence inside of me can be let out in a controlled, guided way, rather than exploding out monstrously. By doing so, by using those steam vents, I remain human. Within the bounds of civilized society.
Well, more or less.
Virtually anyone who’s ever met me understands I’m…different.
A little broken. A little twisted.
A wholelotof fucking crazy.
And they don’t even fucking know the half of it.
Ironically, the thing that’s been the biggest help keeping me within those boundaries laid down by society is taking over and now running the entire Kildare empire. In another life, in a parallel universe, maybe I’d have been a cutthroat CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or a Wall Street hedge fund manager.
Or Napoleon, or Genghis fucking Khan, if we’re really talking alternate realities here. A destructive, driven, and unwavering force of nature.