Page 18 of Vicious Hearts
“Which is why I pay you large amounts of money when I need you, in cash.”
“However,” he continues. “This isn’t a chance wound. It’s not heat of the moment.”
I smile grimly, thinking of the girl who put it there.
While I wasstill inside her.
“I beg to differ.”
Dr. Blythe shrugs. “This was a practiced stab. It’s…surgically precise. And I dare say, if it wasn’t for the leather sheath of the knife you had strapped to your side under your shirt, there’s a good chance that little blade…”
He turns to nod his chin at the bloody knife lying in a little metal tub—a switchblade concealed in a gold hair clasp and adorned with pretty little roses.
“…Would have managed to pierce your heart. Or at least caused far more serious internal damage, rather than this simple stitch-up job.” He sighs. “What I’m saying, Mr. Kildare, is that this was no amateur. I think a professional tried to assassinate you tonight.”
The cherry at the end of my cigarette glows bright as I take a drag.
“Tell me something I don’t know, doctor.”
I go to swing my legs off the edge of the table. Castle immediately stops me.
“Cillian, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“My master plan involvedleaving.” I turn to glance at Dr. Blythe. “I’m good to go?”
His face says otherwise, but he reluctantly nods. “I’m giving you some painkillers and some antibiotics.Take them. And try not to exert yourself.”
Part of me wants to let go—to go home and lose myself in the painkillers, washed down with whiskey.
But that’s not happening.
Not while she’s still out there.
“Oh, actually, Mr. Kildare…” Dr. Blythe frowns. “This is a bit more delicate, but, is…therestof you feeling…okay?”
My brow raises as I take a drag of nicotine.
“Kindly elaborate?”
Dr. Blythe clears his throat, his eyes dropping significantly to the front of my pants.
“There was some, uh, blood, on your trous—”
“It’s not mine.”
Hazy, vague memories rise back up to the surface. Of lying in that room, feeling the blood pooling at my back. Of my vision swimming as I glanced down at the blade in my side, knowing pulling it out would be worse than leaving it in.
Knowing I had to get up. Knowing too that I should probably tuck my cock back in my pants before doing so.
Frowning at the streak of blood I saw there.
Sadist that I am, tearing someone’s fucking vagina with my dick isn’t exactly on my kinks list. But then, shedidfucking stab me and leave me to die.
It’s sort of hard to feel any sympathy for her after that.
Her,orher pussy.
I grunt as I find my footing. Castle and Hades make a move to grab me, but I wave them off.