Page 32 of Vicious Hearts
Yeah. About that. It wasn’t until after the Drakos and Kildare families united through Ares and Neve’s marriage that it came to light that the infamousAn Seiceadóiraka The Executioner aka Seamus O’Conor was in fact Neve’s great uncle.
In the wake of that revelation, there was some doubt on the part of the Drakos side—mainly on Hades’ part, actually—that perhaps all the shit that was going down right then with Seamus was far more than the Drakoses had bargained for when they agreed to unite the families.
Which, I’ll grant, is fair.
“This isn’t Kildare history, Hades,” Castle growls, a warning note in his voice. “If anything, considering it’syourbrother who put that monster down—”
“SavingNeve, you fucking prick—”
My voice cuts through the room like a blade, silencing them. My eyes stab unblinking into Hades, which I’m well aware always unnerves the shit out of him.
“Castle is right. This isn’t Kildare history. It’s just buried history. No one—and I meanno one—knew Seamus had children.”
Hades’ eyes narrow as he nods slowly.
“That’s who stabbed you the other night, isn’t it?” He drops his gaze and leans over the table, tapping the photo. “Her.”
In lieu of a response, I take out a cigarette and deftly light it.
“I want him found.”
“The boy?” Castle nods slowly. “I’m on—”
“Not you.” I shake my head. “I need you ultra-focused on Eilish. And even though Neve’s got Ares and all of the Drakos muscle and eyes that come with that, I also want you overseeing her, too.”
If that little psycho comes after my family, there’s no limit to how much I’ll make her suffer.
I turn to Hades, who shrugs. “Yeah, I can get on that. Finn O’Conor, yeah?”
“Probably at least a different last name. I’ve never heard of either of them, which means Seamus was keeping them well-hidden.”
He nods, pulling out his phone out zooming in to take a picture of Una’s twin brother. “I’ll get on this today. I’ve got some good people I trust to keep their eyes open and their mouths shut.”
“Perfect,” I growl, looking him in the eye. “And this stays with just the three of us for now, is that clear?”
His jaw grinds. “I don’t take orders from you, Irish.”
My lips thin. “Let me put it this way. I don’t want Neve finding out that any of this is going on, because it’ll break her, considering what that motherfucker did to her. Understand?” I snap.
I know he’s as protective of his sister-in-law as he is of his own blood sister, Calliope. The second I say it, I watch Hades’ demeanor flip instantly.
“Okay. We’re on the same page.”
“Good. Maybe keep this away from Ares, too.”
Hades smirks grimly. “Yeah, that’s a wrath no one needs to see.”
No shit. Considering that Seamus also almost killed the eldest Drakos brother,andalmost killed his wife Neve right in front of him…no, Ares doesnotneed to know that Seamus O’Conor’s offspring are prowling the streets of Manhattan.
He’d burn the whole fucking city down just to find them.
“Find the boy.”
Hades nods as he stands. “On it. And the girl?”
I take a slow drag of my cigarette before stubbing it out on the ashtray in front of us.