Page 40 of Vicious Hearts
“This is your last chance to walk away, man,” the second guy adds, glaring at me.
I smile thinly. “No… It’s not.”
“The fuck it—”
They glance at each other.
“Man,fuckthis guy.”
Problem is, douchebro number one is the kind of idiot who buys a gun for street cred, not because he actually knows how to use it. Or, for that matter, how to even remove it from his fuckingpantswith any sort of urgency.
Such a shame.
I’m on them in a millisecond, and the eyes of the guy with the gun go wide, his mouth sputtering open as my blade sinks into his stomach. Then again, and again. My knife flashes across his throat, turning his gasp into a wet gurgle as he falls to the ground.
His gun still isn’t out of his pants. Guess it won’t ever be, now.
I whirl on the second guy, easily dodging his wild punch before I grab him around the neck from behind. My blade presses to his throat as he sputters and chokes.
“Please! Please, man! I swear, we were just talking shit about that girl! Just bullshit! I swear to fucking God—”
“God isn’t here right now.”
The blade presses to his jugular.
“Please! I swear I’ll do anything you say! I’ll never look at her! I’ll never even think about her!”
Lies. Desperate, desperatelies.
They always taste so sweet.
“I’ll never come to this fucking neighborhood again, I promise!”
Well, he’s not wrong there.
My arm yanks. Blood spurts against the brick wall beside us. Then I let the sack of shit drop to the ground next to the first.
My cigarette fell out of my mouth somewhere in the last ninety seconds of mayhem. So I pull another out of my case and slip it between my lips. I spark it and inhale slowly, looking down thoughtfully at the two fuckers dead on the ground.
I drag them to the dumpster at the back of Una’s building and cover them with trash.How fitting. I use a half-empty bottle of soda from the same dumpster to wash the blood from the bricks and the ground by the end of the alley. But it doesn’t matter too much. Not in this neighborhood.
I use the sanitizer and wipes I keep in the trunk of my GTO for exactly this purpose to clean up. Then I get behind the wheel and start the engine.
My monster is still growling.
My darkness is still surging and ravenous.
Theneedis still there, and apparently, simple bloodletting doesn’t do it anymore. It won’t satisfy me.
Not when I’ve tastedher.
You’re fucking kidding me.