Page 6 of Vicious Hearts
“I play very rough, little girl.”
I shiver.
“You never know,” I gasp back. “Maybe I do, too.”
Lies. All lies. Because the truth is, I don’t “play”at all. Not like this. Not once. Ever.
But there’s a first time for everything.
My pulse skips when his powerful hand takes mine, pulling me quickly after him as he storms from the room and down a hallway toward the private rooms.
This is happening.
There’s no going back.
You have to know the darkness. You have to look over the edge.
To kill monsters, you have tobe one too.
The world isfull of pain and sin, Una. And it is the job of the righteous to send the wicked to Hell, so the rest may go to Heaven.
His grip on my hand is firm. The hum of his pulse against mine, the feel of his skin on my own, and the raw power that emanates off this man has my core tying into knots and my heart beating double time.
Or maybe that’s just because a terrifying yet gorgeous beast of a man, built like a god with the heart of a devil, is dragging me away from a literal orgy to a more private room.
Where we can be alone.
Where he can do with me what he wants—which is clearly marked on the band around his wrist.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
At the end of the dark, black hallway, golden doors open to a small, dimly lit elevator. Cillian pulls me in, and I shiver when the doors slide closed again, boxing us inside.
Away from the rest of the world.
The rabbit alone with the wolf.
The elevator begins to rise to the higher floors of Club Venom, reserved for patrons who want more privacy. The seconds tick by, and my pulse begins to thud even harder. I can feel my skin tingling, and even though the elevator is at a normal temperature, a sheen of sweat begins to glisten on my back.
“You’re nervous.”
His hand is still holding mine. He can fuckingtell. He knows I’m a fraud. He knows—
I close my eyes, taking a slow breath and shoving all of that down.
He doesn’t suspect anything or he’d have never gotten into this elevator with you.
With me, and with the instrument of his impending death, which is currently pinning up my long, blonde, andfakehair in a knot on top of my head.
This is happening.
I’m doing this. Now. Here. Tonight.