Page 61 of Vicious Hearts
When he drops down next to the tub, and when the blade plunges under the bubbles, it’s not my flesh he’s cutting and slicing.
It’s myclothing.
I jolt, gasping as Cillian surgically slices through my dress, cutting all the way from my cleavage down to the short hem, literally carving it off my body. But he doesn’t cut me—not even a nick, even with the savageness of his moves and the dark glint in his eyes.
I’m not wearing a bra under the dress, and I blush, quickly trying to cover myself with my hands. It’s useless. His hands plunge deep between my legs, making my body quiver and shudder as his blade slides through the fabric of my panties at both hips. He pulls them from between my legs, making me shudder as the wet lace drags against my lips and my clit.
Yup, I amwaybroken. Super, super fucking broken.
It’s not until he grabs the necklace and unclips it from around my neck and tosses it aside that I realize it also went into the water with me. And something tells me that secret phone devices hidden in necklaces aren’t exactly waterproof.
I don’t think I’ll be talking to Apostle using that anytime soon.
Cillian rolls his sleeves even further up his muscled forearms, pushing them over his elbows to the bulge of his chiseled biceps and giving me a glimpse of tattoo ink. He plucks a bottle of something off the floor beside the tub, and a fluffy loofah—black, of course.
I stiffen as I watch him squirt body wash onto it.
“What the fuck are you—”
“Bathing you, since I’m out of patience and would rather not have to deal with a protesting child.”
“Excuse me—hey!”
I flinch when he grabs my arm, pulling it away from my breasts and lifting it high before the loofah scrubs over my skin. I try to fight him, to pull my arm back. But it’s like trying to get free of a boulder, and he offers just as much give.
“I don’t—STOP—!”
“Given the state of that shithole you were calling home, and given that you’ve been sitting in my kill room for the last few hours…”
Kill room.
Jesus Christ.
“Yes,” he mutters. “I would say youabsolutelyneed a fucking bath.”
Deftly, ignoring my hurled insults and screamed swears, seemingly uncaring about the water I’m sloshing all over the floor as I fight him, Cillian washes my arms. Then my torso, ignoring the way my face turns crimson when he soaps my breasts. Then my legs, despite my kicks.
Thenbetween them, as my throat tightens and forbidden heat sizzles through my core.
The whole time, he says nothing and offers no reaction, except for a deviously dark smirk on his face when my breath catches at the feel of the silky loofah over my pussy.
I sputter and choke when he pours water over my head. But when it’s followed with shampoo, and then his strong, thick fingers rubbing and massaging that shampoo into my long, dark hair, something inside of me flickers awake and shivers.
Something whimpers.
Something purrs.
I don’t realize I’ve stopped thrashing and kicking until I realize starting up again wouldn’t do a thing anyway. So I sit there, stewing and chewing on my lips as the dangerous, beautiful psychopath who’s apparently now kidnapped me washes my hair.
What the fuck is happening?
I blink, opening my eyes and realizing he’s finished as the water begins to drain away. I turn away from him, shyly trying to cover my chest and between my legs with my hands.
That is, until Cillian roughly pulls them away, yanks me around to face him, and wraps a big towel around me. I gasp as he lifts me from the tub, sets me on a fluffy mat, and then proceeds todry my hairwith another towel.
And at this point, I’m not actually sure if he’s planning to kill me, fuck me, or make my freaking skin into a dinner jacket.