Page 74 of Vicious Hearts
Slowly I turn my head, pulling my eyes from Neve to let them settle on Ares.
“You willwatchhow you speak to me, God of War.”
His head shakes slowly. “No, Cillian. Not this fucking time. Are you out of your fuckingmind?!”
I stiffen when he grabs the front of my shirt. So does Neve.
“Ares…” she murmurs warningly.
It’s her voice and her voice alone that can ever reach him when he’s this furious. And it does. He flinches, his nostrils flaring before he slowly exhales and turns to her.
“Let him go.”
“Love, we’re talking about—”
“Ares. Please.”
“You’ve got three seconds to take your hands off my shirt,” I growl quietly.
His eyes snap back to mine, considering. Then he shakes his head, hissing as he lets me go, and backs away.
“I mean, what thefuck, Cillian…”
Neve stands, moving quietly to her husband’s side and leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Take a walk, okay? I’ve got this.”
His jaw clenches. “Neve—”
“Please? For me?”
His stormy eyes burn into me, his head shaking before he turns away. “Fine.” He leans down to kiss her softly, and then he’s blowing out the door of their penthouse like a hurricane.
Then it’s silent.
Neve turns and walks quietly toward the bar cart in the living area.
“Want a drink?” she mumbles numbly.
“Only if you’re joining me.”
She laughs a cold, brittle laugh as she pours two glasses of whiskey.
As if that was a question that needed to be dignified with an answer, after I’ve just told them that I’ll be marrying the daughter of the maniac who almost killed them both.
I follow her into the living area and sit on one of the sofas. Neve hands me a glass before taking a seat across the coffee table from me. Her face is impassive, her hand tight around her glass as she takes a sip.
“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “This isn’t something I ever planned for, and it’s not something I relish doing. Not given your history with—”
“Is she the woman you’ve been seeing?”
Her voice is brittle, and she looks positively ill as she asks the question.
“No,” I growl. “No, I…”
I could lie. I could sugarcoat this in a few ways to lessen the pain I know it’ll cause her. But fuck it, I’ve never been anything but honest with Neve. We’ve both been caught up inwaytoo much violence and pain in the past to be anything but that.
“There is no woman. Never was. Castle made that up to explain why I’d been lying low.Thiswoman…Seamus’ daughter… Someone put her up to killing me in revenge for Seamus. She tried and failed. I’ve been hunting her just as she was hunting me.”