Page 83 of Vicious Hearts
The hot bath has loosened the band-aid I have over it to the point where it’s falling off. And the cut beneath it drips a single drop of blood. Deftly, I pluck the band-aid from my skin and toss it in the trash before I start rummaging in drawers. I find a box of band-aids soon enough and plaster a new on over the cut.
Good as new.
When I leave the bathroom, though, there actuallyisn’tfood “out there” in my bedroom as he said.
Great, more mind games.
Can’t wait to be married to this guy.
I scowl as I pull on jeans and a hoodie. For all of my protesting about him feeding me, Iamactually hungry. I go to the door to knock and try to get his attention. But when I reach it, I stop.
It’s ajar.
I slowly open it and peer out, half expecting a booby trap.
But there’s no trap. No Cillian, either. And when I think about it, tricking me into leaving a room with an open door really doesn’t sound like him at all. Does it?
So I step out, and then pad quietly down the hall into the main living area.
“No, it’s not a trap.”
I almost jump out of my skin, my gaze ripping across the room to where Cillian is sitting on the sole couch, reading a dog-eared copy of, unbelievably,American Psycho.
He glances at the book, then up at me. “Yes. Why not?”
“No I just mean…you know…”
“Please, elaborate.”
His eyes glint with the hidden dare.
I take the bait purposefully, deliberately.
“It’s a little…apt. You taking notes?”
“Let’s say professional critique.”
I bite back a small grin.
“There’s food in the kitchen, as bold and groundbreaking a revelation that may be to you.”
“Thanks,” I mumble.
“And the door won’t be locked anymore.”
“What a touching engagement present.”
He drops the book, eyeing me with that cool, thousand-yard stare that I gather freaks most people out.
Oddly, it’s not having that effect on me anymore. I’m trying to remember a time when it did.
“You seem fairly confident I’m not going to try anything. I mean, having free range and all.”
Cillian lifts a single brow. “Perhaps. I also feel confident that if youdo, I’m more than capable ofdealingwith it.”
I smile weakly. “I’m not going to, by the way.”