Page 87 of Vicious Hearts
I barely have time to even process what just happened before suddenly, his mouth goes somewhere else.
My pussy.
I cry out, my legs buckling as Cillian voraciouslyattacksmy pussy with his tongue and lips. There’s no easing into it. No build up. He’s just instantly devouring me.
And I’m instantly already close to exploding.
I shudder and moan, my hands clinging to his hair literally to stop myself from toppling over as his tongue delves into me. His lips wrap around my clit, his tongue curling and flicking over it. Two fingers sink deep into me, making me moan deeply as my legs begin to shake.
As my core begins to clench and spasm.
As fireworks go off in my head.
Cillian snarls into me, fingering me and sucking hard on my clit as my reality blurs around me. Until suddenly, without warning and without a single way to stop it, the orgasm hits me like a tidal wave.
I cry out, moaning and shaking all over as I cling to his hair. The climax rips through me, leaving me shattered, breathless, and on shaky legs as Cillian slowly drags his tongue up my lips once more before pulling back.
I’m shivering. The only thing I can hear is the thudding of my pulse in my ears. Slowly, my fingers unclench from his hair, awkwardly dropping back to my side. But Cillian stays where he is, eye-level with my throbbing pussy.
Then his gaze drops to the cut, and the single, fresh drop of blood beading there.
His gaze raises to mine, holding my wide-eyed, flushed-face, breathless stare hostage as he leans close.
And licks it off.
What. The. Fuck.
Or more importantly,why the fuckwas that so fucking hot?
I’m still breathless, speechless, and shivering as he casually pulls my panties and jeans back up before standing.
He sticks his hand out. “So then, do we have a deal?”
I blink my head still spinning and my mouth still unable to make words.
“Do we have a deal, Una. An agreement on all terms.”
He doesn’t mention or seem to acknowledge the fact that he just tasted my blood and made me come like a hurricane on his tongue.
I hesitate a moment, fully aware of the all-but-literal devil’s deal I’m making with the man in black himself. But then my hand finds his, and a tremor runs through me as he grips mine firmly and shakes it.
“Deal,” I whisper, shivering.
Cillian’s hand grips mine a second or two longer than he needs to, his eyes burning into me before he releases me. I move to escape back to my guest room. But then I pause, turning to see him sitting back on the couch with his book again, as if none of this just happened.
“When are we doing this, by the way?”
Cillian’s eyes raise to mine. “Tomorrow.”
Holy fuck.
I stare at him open-mouthed. “What?”
“Oh dear, is there a conflict with your busy schedule?”
I glare at him. “No.”