Page 96 of Vicious Hearts
She smiles a coy smile. “Ares and I werejust politics, too.”
“Yes, well, the next time I’m actively looking for advice on my personal life, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
She rolls her eyes. “Fine, heard loud and clear. I’m done. And now I’m going to go find a drink.”
I smile as she heads off, before a heavy hand lands on my shoulder.
When I turn, Dominic Farrell is at my elbow with a dark look on his face.
“Problems, Dom?”
His jaw grits. “Just thought you’d want to know, I spotted Liam McCarthy walking in a few minutes ago, looking especially…” He clears his throat. “In his cups.”
Oh, good. The man calling for civil war because of Una’s father and my brother is pretty much the last person I want to show up drunk and angry.
This should go fuckingswimmingly.
“Shit. I’ll—”
I frown as Dominic nods past me. When I turn, my jaw clenches.
Liam—looking fairly intoxicated, and with a dark expression on his face—just walked right up to Una. Dominic swears and makes a move as if to rush over. But, something in the way I watch Una stand tall, without cowering, without showing any weakness, stops me, and I halt Dom with a hand on his arm.
“Cillian, he’s—”
“I saidwait.”
Despite her petite stature, I of all people know that thinking of Una as a little waif who needs saving is to vastly underestimate her.
I’ve got a fresh scar on my side and still-aching bruises elsewhere from the little hellcat to back that up.
So I wait, watching from about twenty feet away as Liam approaches my new bride in black.
“Congratulations,O’Conor,” he sneers.
Una just smiles politely, ignoring the emphasis on her last name. “Thank you.”
His lips curl. “Do you even fucking know who I—”
“Yes. I know my father did horrible, unforgivable things to your family, Mr. McCarthy.”
Interesting. She’s done her homework.
“Yeah,” Liam hisses. “He sure fucking—”
“I would apologize for him. But I do not, never have, and won’t ever speak for my father. Orofhim, with anything but disdain.”
I frown as Una reaches out and lays a hand gently on a slightly confused-looking Liam’s arm.
“I can’t apologize for my father, Mr. McCarthy, and I can’t change the horrors of the past. But I can tell you I’m very sorry for what was done to you and yours, and furthermore I can tell you that if you ever want anything, or need a direct line to the Kildare family, you can reach out personally to me, and I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”