Page 32 of Can't Fight It
I rest my head on the steering wheel when I get in, breathing in and out slowly. It wasn’t a big thing. He would’ve said something if it was, not stood there and let me do it. I’m overthinking things as usual. Everything is fine.
We’ll practice more self-defense tomorrow, I’ll show him the college info I found, and I’ll get to pet Boots some more. Just because I liked watching him box, because I got close to him, because I touched him… it doesn’t mean anything.
We’re neighbors. Sort of even friends now.
And I’m happy with that.
I am.
I head straightinto the locker area, ignoring the guys’ questions.
Who was that?
You okay?
Is that your girl?
No, she’s not my girl. Far from it.
But that doesn’t keep me from reliving her gentle touch, how soft her fingers were, the concern in her voice. The way my heart had stopped as she’d caressed the side of my face, unable to do anything but stand there, barely breathing. Wanting her to continue touching me, to slide her hand through my hair, breaths warm against my skin, lips whispering across my neck…
Fuck. No. What am I thinking? She was completely innocent doing that. She was trying to help me, for God’s sake. If she knew what was going on in my head, she’d be horrified.
It’s only recently she’s become more comfortable around me, talking to me, getting closer. But I have no delusions she thinks of me in a sexual way at all.
I can’t say I feel the same, though. Even knowing we’re nothing alike. That she’s way too good for me. That she previously avoided me, flinched if I moved too fast.
What must she have thought watching me in the ring? Did it confirm all her initial impressions?
Intimidating. Dangerous.
But today, she’d cared that I was hurt. Touched me without a second thought. Said my boxing was impressive.
And why am I still arguing with myself about this? There’s nothing to argue about. Nothing between us.
I strip off my clothes and stride into the showers, turning the water to cold. The icy spray shocks me out of my warped daydreams, calming me, and I finish cleaning up and dress, once again avoiding everyone’s eyes as I exit and walk straight out the doors, jogging up the steps to ground level.
I’m sure word will get around to Uncle Marty at some point about the incident, but I can put that off until another time. For now, I have to get over to Dad’s place for dinner.
I’m way earlier than expected, arriving right behind Danielle, who’s struggling with an armful of groceries as she gets out of her car.
“You actually showed up early? That’s a first.”
I roll my eyes. “I was going to help you with those.” I motion toward her full arms. “But not anymore.”
“These are yours, asshole,” she says without heat. “Or do you want me to keep your food hostage?”
Oh, that’s right. I did ask her to pick up some stuff for me.
“When are you buying an actual car so you can shop for yourself?” she asks as I take the bags from her.
“You were at the store, anyway. What do I owe you?”
“Thirty.” She walks ahead of me, careful to sidestep the clump of snow in the driveway that always refuses to melt after it snows. “And they were out of cat litter. I’ll have to stop somewhere else.”