Page 41 of Can't Fight It
Oh God, what am I doing? We’re not on hugging terms yet.
“Sorry.” I release him and step back, tilting my head down so he can’t see my hot cheeks. “I’ll see you Tuesday.”
Opening the door myself, I slip through and grab my keys out of my pocket, fumbling at the lock. When I finally get it open, I can’t help glancing over my shoulder one last time.
He’s standing in his doorway, gazing at me soberly, but it’s impossible to tell what he’s thinking. That I was way too forward? That I shouldn’t have done it?
Or is it possible… he might have liked it, too?
“How’s the meditation group doing?”I ask Joel, adjusting my backpack so it sits higher on my back. This Abnormal Psych textbook is so damn heavy.
He glances over at me as we make our way down the hallway toward Dr. Price’s office. Today we’re officially halfway through the study, so it’s time to meet with him for a status report. “Good. They’re all getting the hang of it.”
“And you know what you’ll say to Dr. Price?”
He gives me an exaggerated squint. “Isn’t it usually me checking up on you like this?”
My lips press together in a sheepish grin. “Sorry. I just want to make sure all our bases are covered.”
“Hmm.” He pretends to stroke a nonexistent beard. “You’re not projecting, are you? How isyourgroup doing?”
“Projecting?” I hold a hand to my chest, mock scandalized. “I’ll have you know my progressive muscle relaxation group is the cream of the crop. They’re on their A game.”
He holds his hands up, grinning. “If you say so.”
We turn the corner and stop in front of Dr. Price’s office. After knocking, I open the door at the call of greeting from inside.
“Tessa. Joel.” Our professor runs a hand through his salt and pepper hair, seeming frazzled as he stands and motions toward the chairs on the other side of his desk, full of piles of paper. “You can move those out of the way.”
I set the stacks on the floor, wondering if he ever cleans this office. It’s been like this every time I’ve visited.
“How’s the study going? Mia’s told me good things.”
So she’s been updating him?
I open my mouth to answer, but Joel beats me to the punch, going on about the progress of his group. I sit back in my seat, folding my hands in my lap, waiting for a question, but Joel keeps taking them all. It’s not until almost the end of our meeting that Dr. Price specifically asks about my group and I’m finally able to get a word in.
After we exit and head out, I pause at the top of the stairwell. “You could have saved a question for me.”
Joel stops a few steps ahead, turning around to look up at me. “What?”
“You dominated the conversation.” Normally, I wouldn’t say anything, but that was ridiculous.
He shakes his head, hair getting in his eyes before he pushes it away. “You answered some.”
“Only when he asked about my group. You took all the rest.”
He squints, but it’s not like last time when he was joking. Now it’s like he doesn’t believe me. “What’s the big deal?”
“I want him to know we’re splitting everything equally. That I’m doing just as much work as you. You might not realize it, but it’s harder for girls to be taken seriously by their professors compared to guys.”
He blinks at me for a moment. “I don’t remember taking all the questions, but I’m sorry if I did.”
That’s… not really an apology. That’s like one of thoseI’m sorry you feel that wayanswers.