Page 54 of Can't Fight It
“How’d you know I was there?”
Oh God, I’m a stalker, aren’t I? “Lexie mentioned at work that you and Ethan were training.”
He nods. “It went fine. I got Ethan back for this.” He lightly touches the area above his brow that’s now scabbed over. “If you see him anytime soon, he should have a big, purple bruise on his cheekbone.”
We reach his bike and I get ready to say goodbye, but he stops me instead. “I heard you’ll be at Element with their group Friday night.”
Oh, so Lexie spilled the beans to Ethan that I was going? Hopefully, she didn’t say why Austin was specifically invited.
“Uh, yeah. It sounds like fun.” My fingers flex inside my coat pockets, nervous about my next question. “Are you going?”
His gaze sweeps over me for the briefest moment, but it still sends a wave of warmth over me. Did I imagine that, or did it really happen?
“Yeah, I’ll go. We could ride together, if you want.”
My heartbeat picks up. He wants to go together?
No,ridetogether. There’s a big difference.
“Sure. That makes sense. Since we live right next to each other and all.” I force my mouth shut to stop babbling.
He nods as if the matter is resolved and messes with a combination lock on his bike to free his helmet.
“Wait,” I blurt out. “Did you mean we’ll ride on that?”
I point at the motorcycle, equally terrified and excited. I’ve never ridden on one of those before.
He grins, holding his helmet at his side. “Your car would make more sense, but we can take this if you want.”
Should I take him up on his offer? The idea is kind of thrilling.
“I’ll have to check the forecast, though,” he adds. “If there’s any chance of snow, I won’t risk you on the bike.”
And there he is looking out for me again.
“How about we just plan on taking my car?” It’ll probably be too cold to be on that thing, anyway.
“Sounds good.”
Is it wrong that I’m a little disappointed?
“You want to ride, don’t you?”
I bite my lip to hide my smile. “Maybe.”
He hands me his helmet, but I’m not sure what to do with it. “Don’t you need this?”
“It’s the only way you’re getting on. You’ll need this, too.”
Wait, is he taking me on his bike now?
He moves to unzip his leather jacket and I stop him. “No, you’ll freeze.”
“I’d rather you be protected in case something happens.”
I stare at him for a moment, my heart melting into a pile of goo in my chest before I gather it back together. “I have a coat on,” I tell him. “I’d ratheryoube protected.”