Page 72 of Can't Fight It
“Please tell me you danced.” She looks at me next. “He danced, right?”
“Oh, I would’ve paid to see that.”
Does she think he can’t dance or something? “He’s an amazing dancer. He was showing me what to do.”
Austin groans and reaches for her, clapping a hand over her mouth. “Not a word out of you.”
She grabs at his wrist, pulling it down to free her mouth. “I didn’t do anything. I’m just talking with Tessa. It’s Tessa, right?”
I nod.
“Don’t you have that thing to do tonight?” he asks her.
Her gaze narrows. “What thing?”
“You know, thatthing.”
Is that some kind of sibling code?
Her lips thin. “Right. That. Guess I’ll go, then.” She takes a few steps toward her car, then turns back around. “But I’m free tomorrow. And I’d love to keep talking. How about you come over for dinner?” she asks me.
“I…” I look up at Austin, unsure how to answer, but his face is impassive. “If it’s okay with Austin, I’d love to.”
“Great. We’ll eat around six at our dad’s house. See you.”
She strides off, leaving the two of us still out in the hallway. “I hope that was all right to say yes. If it’s not, I totally understand.”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” He holds the door open for me, waiting till I’m inside to lock up.
I set my stuff down on his kitchen counter. “You seemed sort of annoyed.”
“With her. Not you. She was trying to start trouble.”
“What do you mean?”
His lips twist. “She’s a busybody. Always sticking her nose in other people’s business.”
“She does that to you a lot?”
“She tries. But I normally don’t have anything going on.”
“And now I’m here.”
He gives me a soft smile. “And now you’re here.”
I bite my lip, a small spark glowing in my chest. “I like being here.”
“I like you here, too.”
The spark burns hotter. He means as a friend, right?
I’m half-tempted to ask him, but my stomach chooses that moment to let out a loud rumble. Right. Dinner.
“I brought home some food for us. I figured burgers and fries were a safe bet since you ordered that last time you were in.”
“You remember what I ordered?”