Page 75 of Can't Fight It
“I’m setting you two up. Duh.”
No. She’ll only make things worse. “I don’t need your help.”
She lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Listen, I love you, but I saw you with girls in high school. You stand there like a statue.”
I rub my forehead. “Things are different with her. She’s easy to talk to.”
“Yeah? Tell me about her.”
Yeah, right. “You’re only going to make fun of me.” That’s what she does.
“No, I won’t.”
I roll my eyes, knowing she won’t let it go if I don’t say something. “She’s smart. Got a full ride scholarship and all that. Plans on going to grad school after graduating next year.”
“What else?”
What else does she want to hear? How I can’t stop thinking about her? How I’ve loved every minute she’s been at my house? We stayed up late last night watching movies, Boots curled up on her lap, talking about nothing in particular, but I still enjoyed listening to her words, her laugh. Just wanted to be next to her.
“She’s the kind of person you want to be around,” I find myself telling Danielle. “She’s interested in what you say. She builds you up. She’s giving.” I chuckle to myself, thinking about all the times she’s said the wrong thing. “She’s funny, even when she doesn’t mean to be. And beautiful. I mean, you saw her. But she also has this inner beauty. She’s got this… I don’t know what to call it. A pure soul or something. She sees the good in people.” Even when they don’t deserve it. “She’s innocent, but not. I can’t explain it. She’s dealt with some real stuff, things I can’t imagine, but she still stays so positive.”
I pause when I realize I’ve been rambling. Danielle’s going to give me so much shit, despite her promise not to.
“Austin…” She clears her throat, uncharacteristically serious. “I think you might be in love with her.”
No, that’s crazy. I’ve never been in love. Never come anywhere close to it. For Christ’s sake, Tessa doesn’t even like me romantically. I still can’t get out of my head the utter shock on her face when I’d kissed her. The way she’d stiffened. The way she hasn’t brought it up since. She must want to pretend like it never happened.
“I’m not in love with her.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. She doesn’t…” I take a deep breath. “She doesn’t feel that way about me. I kissed her and she… didn’t respond.”
“Shit, Austin. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. It was a long shot, anyway. She’s way too good for me.”
“That’s not true. Listen, I can talk to her—”
“No. I don’t want to make her uncomfortable, especially since she’s staying with me. Just leave it alone.”
She sighs. “If that’s what you want.”
Yeah, that’s what I want. And she better not make things worse.
* * *
Tessa makes the last turn toward our apartment complex, my stomach comfortably full of tacos. If nothing else, Danielle’s a good cook.
“I liked your family. It was so nice of them to include me.”
I nod, crossing my arms over my chest. “Danielle really liked you.” Too much, actually. The two of them had instantly clicked.
“She was so funny. You guys are polar opposites, but you were finishing each other’s sentences, too. I always wished I had someone like that.”
“It gets old sometimes, trust me. But she’s got my back when I need her.”
“And you have hers?”