Page 98 of Can't Fight It
I pace the apartment a few times before I force myself to sit on the couch and be still. I go through the relaxation sequence Tessa taught me weeks ago, my belly jumping when there’s finally a knock on the door.
I open it, finding Tessa’s face bright with excitement on the other side. I lean down and kiss her, not worrying about whether or not it’s the right thing to do, the enthusiasm in her response spurring me on.
She leans back slightly, her lips in a wide grin. “I like that kind of greeting.”
I kiss her again, needing one more taste to tide me over. “I like giving it. I missed you today.”
She lets her purse drop on the floor next to her and reaches up to wrap her hands over my shoulders. “I missed you, too.” She pulls my head down to meet her halfway, murmuring, “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
All right, I can’t hold back anymore. I run my palms down her backside until they reach the backs of her thighs, and bend to pick her up, wrapping her legs around my waist.
She makes a sound of pleasure as I shut the door and press her against it, letting my lips trail down the column of her neck, that vanilla scent of hers driving me wild.
“Austin,” she pants, arching to give me better access. “I’m still in my coat and work uniform. Let me at least change.”
“Why? I’m just going to take it off you soon.”
She whimpers, her grip on me tightening, but I slide her down my body, loving how fast her breaths are coming. That I affect her so much.
“You need help packing your stuff?”
She looks up at me, a rosy flush across her cheeks. “I’ll just grab the essentials.”
Heading into the bathroom, she returns after half a minute with a tote bag full of items. “Okay, ready.”
“That’s it?” I know she had to have brought over more than that.
“I’ll get the rest later. When I have more time.”
The unspoken implication that she’s impatient because she’s ready for what I have planned for tonight hangs heavy in the air, the two of us staring at each other for a moment before I open the front door and usher her across the hall.
She slips a hand in her coat pocket and pulls out a shiny silver key, holding it up. “Hot off the press,” she jokes before sliding it in the lock.
“Have you gone in yet?”
She shakes her head. “Not since you were last here with me.” She pauses before turning the key, then wipes her palm on her coat. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Of course.”
I keep forgetting there’s an actual purpose to me staying over here. It’s her first night back since everything happened.
“You want me to go in first?” I ask when she continues to stand there, her hand hovering over the knob.
“No, I’m fine.” She pushes past her reserve and opens the door, walking in and flicking on the light. “Honestly, I’m okay. I know I’ll be safe with you here.”
Pride swells within my chest. How far we’ve come that I’ve earned that kind of trust from her.
She sets down her bag and removes her coat, draping it on the arm of the couch, then turns to me, a shy smile lurking over her lips. “I liked your texts earlier.”
I close the door behind me and make my way over to her. “Yeah?”
She steps closer, running her hands up my forearms. “I was a little surprised, though. We’ve never texted like that before.” There’s a note of excitement in her voice I love hearing.
“I figured after last night you’d be okay with it.”
“More than okay,” she murmurs, hands now on my shoulders, the tips of her breasts brushing my chest with how close she is. “Are you still offering that distraction?”
She reaches on tiptoes to kiss me, her seductive tone making my belly drop low with arousal. She wants this as much as I do. How did I get so goddamn lucky?