Page 108 of Ascending
“I woke you up,” Elizabeth stated the fact.
“It’s okay. Are you home?”
“I just landed. I couldn’t wait to call until I got to the palace.”
Palmer smiled at that and said, “I miss you, too.”
“I read it, Palmer.”
“Yeah? What did you think?”
“That you fell in love with me a while ago, huh?” Elizabeth laughed lightly.
Palmer laughed as well and said, “Yes, I did.”
“I did, too,” Elizabeth admitted. “I fell in love with you a long time ago, too.”’
“Majesty, the polls are a mixed bag,” the Prime Minister explained. “The north seems to be going against the monarchy, as we suspected, but the south appears to support the monarchy. There are some small villages in the east we don’t have any polling data from, and the west is fifty-fifty right now.”
“So, what you are saying is that we don’t know?” Elizabeth concluded.
“Not yet. But there are still two weeks until the vote. We’ll do another poll in a week. It’ll be closer. We should get better data.”
“Nothing like living in limbo,” she said on a sigh. “I know this has put you in a difficult position, Albert. Thank you for your support and your understanding.”
“Ma’am, as an institution, I find the monarchy lacking in most countries. In my youth, I wasn’t sold on it in St.Rais, if I’m being honest. I wasn’t always a huge fan of your father’s; God rest his soul. Iama fan of yours, though. I do believe you will be a great monarch for this country. You have the ability to relate to so many young people, but you have the wisdom associated with someone who’s lived as well. St. Rais is known as the forgotten-about European country, and I think you’d change that for us in a way thatIcannot. I hope the nation gives you a chance, but if you don’t mind me saying so, you are a remarkable person for even putting this in their hands. We’re living in uncharted territory. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, but I’ve never heard of a sitting monarch asking their people to vote on whether or not they should keep their title.”
“We’re not like most countries, and we’re definitely unlike any other monarchy. When it comes down to it, Albert, that’s all this is – it’s a title. It’s one I was handed because I was born into a certain family, and I’ve inherited this newest one. It’s not one I believe I’ve yet earned. And if the country votes to take that title and everything it comes with away, I will honor that.” Elizabeth stood up. “Now, I’m afraid, I have to cut this meeting short. My sister is returning from her holiday with her fiancé, and we’re having dinner.”
“Of course, Ma’am.” He stood up and gave her the requisite bow.
“You might not need to do that for much longer, and you know I don’t mind if you don’t now, right?” she asked.
“Yes, Majesty. But I don’t bow because of tradition; I bow as a show of my respect.”
“Thank you,” she said as he backed out of the room and then left.
“Who came up with that? So stupid,” she said to herself, referring to the whole walking backward thing.
Elizabeth checked her phone and found she had a missed text from Palmer. She giggled at it and typed her reply as the door to her suite opened.
“Who are you laughing at?” Victoria asked as she walked in.
“Your Majesty, Her Royal–”
“She knows I’m here, Jenny,” Victoria interrupted the introduction.
“Sorry, Jenny. Thank you,” Elizabeth said.
Jenny left the two of them alone.
“Where’s David?”
“He’s working. He had a lot to catch up on after vacation, and he’s still trying to get used to working remotely when the office is in London. What were you laughing at just now?”
“You don’t miss a beat,” Elizabeth said. “It’s nice to see you, Victoria. Happy Christmas. How’s your new year going so far?”