Page 130 of Ascending
Elizabeth raised her head then and asked, “Yeah?”
“We haven’t been together all that long, and if I’m not mistaken, you need to take some time after this whole vote thing before you tell everyone you’re gay and that you have an American girlfriend. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come out tonight.”
“No, I agree.”
“Okay. So, I’ll go home. Maybe you can come for a visit once things settle down here.”
“Victoria’s wedding will be soon,” Elizabeth noted. “She doesn’t want to wait. The date will be in May.”
“Do you need a date?” Palmer asked.
“I’d like you to be here.”
“Then, I’ll at least come for the weekend.”
“Only a weekend?”
“Depends on work, but I should be able to take a week in the summer: my vacation time resets in June. Camilla will be out of school. We could take that family trip here.”
“That sounds nice.”
“And after that, you can come to the States, yeah?” Palmer asked.
“I’ll come as often as I can,” Elizabeth replied.
“And that will beveryoften if I have anything to say about it,” Palmer teased as she wiggled her eyebrows.
Elizabeth laughed but shoved lightly at Palmer’s shoulders.
“Don’t joke, my love. We’re planning the entire year because we have to.”
“And maybe one day, we won’t have to.”
“You’d really move here one day? I mean, if we’re still together, and–”
“Yeah, I would. Like I said, I’m adjusting to the cold. I can write anywhere, or maybe I’ll break into broadcast TV. I’ve got time to figure it out. I would only move here if we were out, though, Elizabeth.” She paused. “I believe you when you say you’ll come out, but I can’t live here with you and not really bewithyou.”
“I know. Now that the vote has been confirmed, I’ll speak with Thomas again tomorrow about the plan.”
“Then, let’s just go celebrate. I’m sure Victoria wants to celebrate with you, too. Let’s have some champagne.”
“We’ll have whiskey,” Elizabeth teased. “The good stuff.” She winked at Palmer.
Palmer had said it without really thinking about it. Would she actually move to St. Rais? As she watched Elizabeth stand in front of her staff and give what was, essentially, a victory speech as she held up a glass of whiskey, Palmer knew she would. She loved this woman. She’d been right before: she could write from anywhere. She could even try her hand at TV news. She’d stand a good chance of getting a job in St. Rais with her resume and the fact that, if she did move here, she’d be dating the Queen.
“How are you?” Victoria asked.
“A little buzzed, honestly,” Palmer replied. “I had to choke down that whiskey. No offense, but it burns.”
“Our liquor is smooth; I’ll have you know,” Victoria said, laughing at her. “And I meant, how are you with the news that your girlfriend will be remaining the Queen of a country?”
“I’m happy for her.”
“And for yourself?”
“It’s going to be hard, but I love your sister.” She smiled as Elizabeth hugged Rebecca.