Page 46 of Ascending
“Maybe we can talk about this another time,” David suggested.
“Yes,” Elizabeth agreed. “I should let you get her to bed. She should rest.”
“I’ll take care of her,” he said.
“I’ll make sure the doctor returns first thing tomorrow to check on her,” Elizabeth added, standing up to glance down at her sister.
Victoria stood up with David’s help and gave Elizabeth a smile.
“I’m fine, Lizzy. I promise. Also, why is that reporter standing in my room? Am Ithatstoned? Am I seeing a reporter standing in my room, David?”
“There’s a woman over there, yes,” he confirmed.
“I was with Palmer when I got the news, Victoria.”
“Palmer is a funny name,” Victoria giggled.
“What? It is.”
“She’s right,” Palmer said. “Itisa funny name.”
“See?” Victoria said, pointing with her good arm at Palmer. “She agrees with me.”
“I’m glad to see you’re okay, Princess,” Palmer added.
“I’m Her Royal Highness now. When Lizzy became Queen, she gave me a promotion.”
“Vicky, get some sleep. We’ll worry about titles and everything else later, okay?” Elizabeth kissed her sister’s forehead, adding, “I love you, Victoria Elizabeth Georgina Hanover.”
“I love you, too, Elizabeth Antonia Victoria… What are your other middle names? It’s a long list; I forget.”
“Sleep now, baby sister,” she said, kissing the same spot again through her smile.
“I really am glad she’s okay,” Palmer said as the door to Victoria’s rooms was closed behind them.
“God, me too.” Elizabeth breathed out for the first real time since she’d gotten the news.
“I can walk you to your rooms if that’s okay. Then, I can see myself out. Or, if I have to have an escort, I can–”
“Will you stay, Palmer?” Elizabeth interrupted. “You certainly don’t have to. It’s probably wrong of me to ask, but my heart is racing like crazy right now, and I think I could use a drink and just, I don’t know,someone.”
“I can stay,” Palmer replied, nodding.
“Majesty, how is Her Royal Highness?” Rebecca asked as she rushed toward them down the wide hallway. “I came back to the palace as soon as I heard.”
“She’ll be okay. David’s taking care of her right now, but would you mind asking the physician to check on her again first thing in the morning?”
“Of course, Ma’am. Is there anything else I can do?”
“Palmer, do you like whiskey?” Elizabeth asked.
“Can’t say I drink it often enough to know.”
“Can you ask Jenny to bring us a bottle of our best whiskey to my room, Rebecca? Along with two glasses? Oh, and Palmer’s bag will need to be brought up as well.”