Page 58 of Ascending
“I just need to let the paper know. They’ll love a reporter being at the coronation. It would put a real bow on the whole piece.”
Elizabeth was silent again.
“Elizabeth, I won’t be there as a reporter. I’ll be there as yourfriend. I won’t write anything you don’t want me to. I just meant that I’ll be able to swing it with the paper that I need to stay through your coronation.”
“I understand,” Elizabeth said.
“Do you?”
“I’ll admit that I’d prefer there be no strings with your paper. That’s why I offered to pay for you to stay here. If they’re footing the bill, you have obligations to them, and I’d rather–”
“You’re right,” Palmer interrupted. “You’re right. I’ll ask my editor for some time off.”
“You don’t–”
“It’s okay. I’ve only taken a few days off since I started at the paper. They owe me the time. I can tell my boss I’ll finish the article when I get home. The rest of my trip here will be on me.”
“Onme, Palmer. You–”
“I can’t let you pay for me to stay in the country, Elizabeth. Besides, my flight is already taken care of, and this hotel isn’t expensive.”
“Stay in the house,” Elizabeth blurted out.
“What house?”
“My house; the one you visited before. I’d let you stay in the palace, but that caused some rumors this morning. The house is empty, Palmer. I’d love for you to stay there.”
“That’syourhouse, Elizabeth.”
“And I’m inviting a guest to stay,” Elizabeth replied. “If your paper won’t be paying for you to remain here, the least I can do is let you stay in my empty house. You’re staying here for me, Palmer.”
“Are you sure?” Palmer checked, uncertain if she should impose in this way but also secretly wanting to stay somewhere Elizabeth considered home.
“Of course. You can move there tomorrow if you’d like. I can’t join you there, but if you could come to the palace afterward, maybe we could have lunch.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to my editor and make sure it’s okay with him.”
“Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. Sometimes, it’s so lonely here, even though the building is filled with people.”
“I know,” Palmer said softly. “And you don’t have to thank me. If I’m being honest, I’m not quite ready to leave St.Rais yet.”
“You’re not ready to go home?”
“I’m ready to wear clothes I haven’t been wearing every day for the past few weeks.” She laughed at her own joke and then sobered. “But no, I’m not ready to go back home. I’m still hoping I’ll get to see the Northern Lights with you on that hill.”
“I’m sorry we weren’t able to last night,” Elizabeth replied.
“Me too,” Palmer said.
“But I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away to do that again, unfortunately, Palmer. I don’t want to make you any promises I can’t keep.”
“It’s okay. I know you’re busy. There’s the country, the coronation, the investigation into what happened with your family, the attack on Victoria and David, and probably a royal wedding soon. It would be a lot for anyone.”
“You’re keeping me together through all of it,” Elizabeth said seriously. “You are, Palmer. I don’t know how, but you’ve helped me so much since we met.”