Page 83 of Ascending
“It wouldn’t be right to stay with your parents.”
“Why not?”
“Because I have a security team with me. Where would they sleep? On the sofa? The floor? On the dining room table?”
“No, buttheycould stay at the hotel.Youcould stay with me.”
Elizabeth met Palmer’s eyes and said, “In the same bed, Palmer? What kind of message would that send to your parents or your younger sister?”
“That’s not what you’re really worried about. But we’re not alone right now, so we can talk aboutthatlater.” Palmer lifted an eyebrow at her. “AndIcould sleep on the sofa.”
“I’m not making you sleep on the sofa in your own home, Palmer.”
“It’s not my home. I grew up there, Elizabeth, but I’m twenty-nine years old – I don’t consider their house my home anymore.”
“Well,I’dsleep on the sofa in your studio apartment if we were going there. I wouldn’t make you–”
“That’s not my home, either,” Palmer stated.
Elizabeth turned in her seat and said, “That’s where you live.”
“But it’s not my home. It’s where I sleep at night. It’s got some furniture in it and a few personal things, but not even all that many. It’s not home, though.”
“Then, you have no home, Palmer? I don’t like the sound of that.”
“Home isn’t a place, in my opinion. It’s not the things you own, either. I’ve always believed your home is wherever your people are. If my parents move to a different house, my home goes with them. It goes with my sister, too.” Palmer’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink then. “Home will be wherever the woman I love is one day. That’s my hope, at least.”
“That’s a nice hope,” Elizabeth replied, giving her a smile.
“Yeah, it is.” Palmer nodded in the direction of Elizabeth’s window. “We’re here.”
Elizabeth turned around to see that they’d pulled up to the hotel.
“I’d like to shower, change, and unpack if that’s all right with you. When am I expected at your parents’ house?”
“It’s not like that.” Palmer chuckled at her. “You’re not expected tobeanywhere ordoanything, okay? We’ll have dinner out tonight since my mom will be cooking for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. You’re invited, of course, but the restaurant is a casual one, so wear jeans and a sweater or something.”
“I feel like I don’t even need my coat here. It’s so warm,” Elizabeth teased.
“It gets colder at night. Wear the coat, smart-ass,” Palmer replied, tugging on the garment until Elizabeth’s face was next to her own. “Can I come back here with you after dinner?” she asked softly just as Elizabeth’s door was opened for her. “We need to talk.”
“Won’t your parents miss you?”
“No, it’ll be fine.” Palmer kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. “I will text you the details for dinner, but I’d like to pick you up here and bring you if that’s okay.”
“I don’t know if security would like that,” Elizabeth replied.
“Does anyone know you’re here?”
“No, we told the country I’m at Coburn Cottage with Victoria and David.”
“Then, let me pick you up. They can follow us or lead the way or both if they want.” She kissed Elizabeth’s cheek again. “Please.”
Elizabeth could only nod. Palmer’s touch was so soft, so warm, and so hard to pull away from.
“I’ll see you in a few hours, then,” Palmer told her. “Your Majesty,” she added when the security officer leaned into the SUV to offer his hand to Elizabeth.
“I look forward to it, Miss Honeycutt.”