Page 103 of Appointing
“Knocked out,” Palmer said. “The flight always makes them fall asleep easily. Speaking of easy…” Palmer looked at her wife.
“I was talking to Elin about how you and I decided to tell the country about us.”
“Oh, that. Yeah, I guess I was pretty easy.”
“You weren’t worried?” Elin asked.
“About what? I loved Elizabeth; I just wanted to be with her. Her job is unique and challenging at times, yes, but it’s a part of her, and I loveher. So, nothing else really mattered to me.”
“You’re all starry-eyed over there,” Elin teased Elizabeth right back.
“Can you blame me?” Elizabeth asked without looking away from her wife.
“Are you worried about Ingrid?” Palmer checked.
“Not yet,” Elin said. “I’m more worried about when and how to tell the world about me. And if it continues with Ingrid – aboutus.”
“I don’t think there’s awrongway to do it.”
“I guess I’ll just talk to her first and get her ideas. I mean, shewasmy secretary. She’s brilliant and great with this stuff. It’s one of the things I love about her.”
“I will say that coming out gave me the biggest feeling of relief,” Elizabeth shared. “Granted, my situation is a little different than yours, but just not having to worry about hiding that part of me anymore made things so much better.”
Elin knew at least some parts of Elizabeth’s story. She’d had a best friend named Teagan, and it had turned into something more; something Elizabeth thought would last forever. But her father, the former King of St.Rais, wasn’t exactly tolerant or accepting. He had two gay children, including Elizabeth’s brother, and neither of them felt comfortable coming out while the man was alive. Teagan had even married Elizabeth’s brother because it was the best way for Elizabeth and Teagan to be together and allow Elizabeth’s brother to have his own life.
Unfortunately, Teagan hadn’t liked the arrangement for long, and after some time, she told Elizabeth that she wanted to explore. Then, there was the horrible bombing at the hospital that had taken Elizabeth’s entire family, with the exception of her sister. Teagan was among the ones lost that day. The woman had dealt with so much bad; Elin thought in that moment that someone out there – maybe God or fate – thought Elizabeth deserved something good, too.
“Tomorrow, I’m going to bring you breakfast in bed so that you can sleep in,” Palmer said to Elizabeth.
“Why?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because you had a long day of meetings today.”
Elizabeth gave her a soft glare before saying, “And because you want to do something fun with Alex after breakfast, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Palmer admitted. “The NFL is here this week. Alex is letting me watch the game from the royal box. I would invite you, but…”
“I don’t care for American football,” Elizabeth finished the sentence for her. “Have fun.”
“Thank you,” Palmer replied.
Then, they both seemed to realize Elin was still in the room.
“So, what are you thinking for your second date with Ingrid?” Palmer asked.
“I have no idea. Where can Queens go on dates?”
“Anywhere you want, I think,” Palmer said.
“No, she means where can Queens go on dates with their secret possible future girlfriends,” Elizabeth clarified.
“You know, we had a few pretty great dates involving the Northern Lights,” Elizabeth shared.
“We live in Norway; we’ve both seen them a million times,” Elin replied. “I want something special, you know?”
“Well, you could considermakingit special,” Palmer suggested. “The lights without Elizabeth aren’t the same to me.”