Page 149 of Appointing
The speech had been televised, and it had been brief. It had also been enough.
“My fellow Norwegians, I have been honored to be a member of your royal family as a Princess, the Princess Royal, and now as your Queen. I come to you today as not only your Queen but as a woman. Today, I’d like to introduce you to someone very important to me. Her name is Miss Ingrid Marie Olson. She is a proud Norwegian and has served many roles at the royal palace, including acting as my private secretary for more than three years. In that role, Ingrid helped inform my decisions. She acted with integrity in everything she did and always performed her duties with the best interest of the nation in mind. While I could talk on and on about Ingrid’s loyalty, dedication, intelligence, and integrity, that’s not why I’m speaking with you all today. I mentioned before that I’m coming to you as your Queenandas a woman. I am a woman in love,” Elin said, pausing for a moment and smiling. “Ingrid and I are in a relationship and plan to take all of the steps couples do in relationships together. This relationship didnotbegin until after Ingrid chose to take a job outside of the palace. I realize this type of address is an incredibly uncommon one for a Queen to deliver, but I must be honest with all of you: I am a lesbian. When I marry – and Idoplan to marry – it will be to another woman. I know this might come as a shock to many of you, but Norway is a country of kind, caring, and compassionate people who, I believe, will welcome me as Queen and Ingrid as my partner. I am inspired by my friends, Her Majesty, Queen Antonia I, and her wife, Her Royal Highness, the Queen Consort of St.Rais.” Elin smiled again. “The people of St.Rais have welcomed them and their children with open arms, and I know the people of Norway will do the same. I also want to tell you that while Ingrid and I do not plan to have children of our own, the monarchy is safe, thriving, and strong. The Princess Royal has already been named as my successor, and Lillian is prepared to take on the role of Queen if and when she is called upon. Norway’s monarchy is strong and always will be. I hope this message finds you and yours safe and well. Thank you for your time,” Elin said.
“Well, security is already annoying me,” Ingrid stated, sitting down next to Elin.
Elin laughed and replied, “You’ll get used to it.” She rifled through some papers in her lap.
“And tomorrow is my last day.”
Elin looked up and over at Ingrid and said, “Are you sure? You don’t have to quit your job, Ingrid. We’re not married. You can–”
“No, Iwantto. It was never what I planned to do anyway,” Ingrid interrupted and laid her head on Elin’s shoulder. “So, what areyoudoing?”
“Reviewing the contracts for the deal with Finland,” Elin replied. “I went to see my father earlier today, and we talked it through. I think I finally got him to understand my sticking points and why I wanted changes.”
“You’re very sexy when you’re talking diplomacy; you know that?” Ingrid teased.
Elin laughed a little and said, “Would you like to talk diplomacywithme? When you do, you usually grab a red pen and tear apart whatever I’ve written up. And it’sreallysexy when you put it to your lips.”
“Well, diplomacycanbe sexy.” Ingrid took the papers from Elin’s lap. “But it can also wait.” She placed them on the coffee table in front of them. “I was thinking we could pour some wine, put on a movie, and snuggle up before we head to bed.”
“And once we’re in bed?” Elin asked.
“We just have the gala tomorrow night, right?”
“Yes. I am technically off tomorrow.”
Ingrid kissed Elin’s neck and stood up.
“Then, I say we go to bed, and I bring that pen with me. I can put it to my lips for you, and you can…”
“Yes.” Elin nodded rapidly. “Yes, that would be… I’d really… I’d like…”
“Only if you wear that tiaraandthose suspenders.” Ingrid pointed at her, winked, and then went to the kitchen.
Ingrid had moved into what Elin now considered to betheirhome. She’d waited a month after the announcement, which had given Sarah Anne time to find a roommate – someone she worked with at the restaurant – and it had given them time to make the place a home. It was small for a royal residence, but they didn’t need much. One change Elin had made was to the bedroom ceiling. She’d had thermal glass installed, which meant that they could watch the Northern Lights nightly if they wanted. Of course, there was also a cover for it, just in case someone got the idea to try to peek inside and to appease security.
The master bedroom was nowtheirmaster bedroom, and Elin couldn’t be happier. She knew one day that she’d ask Ingrid to marry her and they’d move officially into the palace, which was the residence of the sovereign, but for now, they’d have some nights here and some nights there. It gave them a bit of normalcy in the craziness of the consecration, announcement, and the day-to-day job of being Queen.
“Hey, when is Christian making his announcement?” Ingrid asked, sipping her wine.
“It’s complicated. Mari is technically up first. She’s ranked higher than him now, and she’ll be a Queen one day,” Elin replied, taking Ingrid’s glass and sipping from it.
“Hey, get your own.” Ingrid laughed.
“I did. I finished it,” Elin said, snuggling into Ingrid’s side as she pretended to watch the movie.
“So, Mari announces her engagement. Then, Christian will announcehis?”
“We’ll do it a few months apart. That helps with the planning, too. Even though Christian isn’t in line anymore, he’ll still get a royal wedding.”
“What about Lillian?”
“You’ve met Edwin and Sven; which do you think she’ll end up with?” Elin asked.
“Neither.” Ingrid laughed.