Page 23 of Appointing
“They don’t cook for me; you know that,” Ingrid said, chuckling at her sister. “Sometimes, they give me whatever’s left over.”
“We are beneath them,” Sarah Anne huffed, closing her eyes and resting her head against the sofa. “So, how was work for you?”
“Well, I found out that I won’t be working for Elin anymore.”
“What?” Sarah Anne opened her eyes and turned her head. “You lost your job?”
“Not exactly. They’re moving secretaries around, and I’ll be working with Mari when she returns from military service.”
“But why?”
“Long story. I’m not really happy about it. I’ve only spent a matter of minutes with Mari over the years. I’m sure she’s a nice person and will be fine to work with, but–”
“You have your own princess,” her sister interrupted.
“I wouldn’t put it like that,” Ingrid said.
“Iwould. You love working with Elin.”
“She’s my employer, Sarah; it’s not like that.” Ingrid sighed.
“She may technically be your boss, but you seem to genuinely like working for the woman. Besides, how many bosses take their employees on holiday and get them a private visit to the hot springs in St. Rais? I still can’t believe you went without me.”
“I didn’tgowithout you; I didn’t knowIwas going until we were on the plane,” she argued.
“Still,” Sarah Anne replied. “I’m sorry they switched Princesses on you.”
“Yeah, me too. I’ve worked with Elin for three years now. I really thought she liked working with me.”
“What do you mean? I thought you said they were just switching things up.”
“I can’t tell you everything, but she spoke with her father about it and asked that I work with Mari instead of her.”
“Did you talk to her about it?” Sarah Anne asked.
“It’s not the kind of job you can just do that with.”
“You’ve always said she was open; she wasn’t like them. She even let you call her Elin to her face in St. Rais.”
“That was different. Besides, I don’t know that Iwantto know why she did it.”
“Why not?”
“Because she might tell me she didn’t like my performance or something, and I don’t know that I want to know that. Maybe that’s wrong, but right now, I don’t want to know if I disappointed her in some way. I’d rather just work with Mari and move on.”
“That doesn’t sound like you. You’re always talking about wanting to do better at work.”
Ingrid smiled at her sister and said, “I’m tired. Can we talk about this tomorrow? I think I’m ready for bed and a good book.”
“Sure. I’ll take a shower and do the same. Monday, when the restaurant is closed, do you want to grab dinner somewhere I’m not the chef and maybe go see a movie or something? I could use a night out, and I work too much to actually have a date.”
“So, I get stuck with you?” Ingrid joked as she stood.
“I’ll let you pay,” Sarah Anne joked.
“Oh, even better.”
Ingrid disappeared into her bedroom, changed for sleep, and heard the shower start in their shared bathroom. Then, she heard Sarah Anne’s music blast, which she was now used to hearing whenever the woman showered. Sarah’s terrible singing voice practically attacked Ingrid through the walls, so she put on her headphones and played her own, much calmer music while she grabbed a book on her table to read. Her mind couldn’t focus on the words, though. She kept thinking about Elin in that dress, Elin in the hot springs, and then Elin telling her father that she didn’t want to work with Ingrid anymore.