Page 40 of Appointing
“I honestly could do without all of that, and I know I’m going to have to go through it, too. At least, I had you two. You’ve set such a good example for us, lesbians, wearing crowns,” Alex noted.
Elin swallowed hard and nodded because Alex was right: Palmer and Elizabeth had been the best examples of what it meant to be gay as part of a royal family. They both worked hard for St. Rais and were completely dedicated to one another and their families. Elizabeth only had Victoria now and her husband and kids. Palmer had her parents and her younger sister, Camilla. Elin glanced at her own younger sisters and smiled, knowing how much she loved them and only wanted happiness for them.
“Didn’t you arrive with someone else?” Alex asked.
“Pardon?” Elin said.
“I thought there was someone else with you when you arrived. I remember you asking for another room.”
“Oh, yes. Ingrid, my private secretary, came with us. There’s a lot going on back home, so while we could use a holiday, we also need to stay connected.”
“Well, where is she?” Alex asked.
“Probably in her room. Ingrid can be all work, no play at times,” Lillian replied.
“Invite her down here,” Alex said.
“She’s very formal. I doubt she–”
“I realize we all have these titles that make people bow their heads at us, but we’re all just people. I hate the idea of her sitting in her room working while we’re all down here drinking wine and relaxing by the fire,” Alex said. “Can we all agree that while we’re here, we’re just Elin, Elizabeth, Palmer, Alex, Mari, and Lillian? That might make it easier for her.”
“That’s really not a problem for me,” Palmer said.
Elizabeth smiled at Palmer and nodded.
“Good. Then, go get her, Elin. I’ll pour her a glass of wine. Does she like red?”
“Merlot,” Elin replied, standing up. “And those toffee biscuits we had earlier.”
“I’ll get them from the kitchen.” Alex stood.
Elin nodded and headed out of the room and up the stairs toward the guest room Ingrid would stay in while they were here. It was supposed to be a few days away, and Elin hadn’t planned on bringing Ingrid, but Lillian didn’t want to bring Katrin, and Elin definitely didn’t want Markus or Steven around, so it made sense to ask Ingrid to come with them.
“Ingrid?” she said while she knocked.
“Yes, Ma’am. Come in,” Ingrid replied.
Elin opened the door to the bedroom and saw Ingrid sitting cross-legged on the full-size bed in the modest room. Ingrid moved quickly to stand.
“No, please… Sit.” Elin held out her hand, indicating that Ingrid shouldn’t move. “You’re still working?” she asked.
“Yes, we’re getting a lot of comment requests, and I’m trying to sort through the ones that really matter and then work with the publicity team to determine how best to respond.”
“Ingrid, it’s late. You didn’t come down for dinner.”
“I had something brought up. I ate, I promise,” the woman replied.
“Will you come downstairs, please? It’s strange with you up here and all of us down there.”
“Ma’am, it’syourholiday.”
“Ingrid, please,” Elin requested, sitting on the side of the bed. “You deserve a break.”
“Ma’am, I don’t fit in down there. You understand that, don’t you? I’m employed by the royal family; I’m not royal. Every woman down there–”
“While we’re here, I’m Elin. Princess Alexandria is Alex. Elizabeth is– Well, you get it. You’re Ingrid. We’re all just people.”
“That’s easy to say,” Ingrid replied.