Page 95 of Appointing
“Okay. So, Ingrid told me what you eat and what you don’t, so I tried to make something I think you’ll really enjoy. I have an appetizer and an entrée. Ingrid said you’d be fine for dessert,” Sarah Anne said.
“What? Sarah!”
Elin’s eyes went wide. Ingrid’s blush, which had been ever-present all night, deepened.
“I meant that you–”
“No, it’s fine. Just… thank you and go,” Ingrid said.
“Sarah Anne, thank you for this.” Elin smiled up at Sarah. “I’m sure it’s delicious, but just arranging this for us – I genuinely appreciate it. I never could have done this without you letting–”
“Okay; it wasmyidea,” Ingrid teased. “Just remember which sister you’re on a date with there, Elin.”
Elin laughed and said, “Thank you, too, Ingrid.”
“I’ll leave you to your appetizer. I’ll bring out the entrée in about ten minutes,” Sarah announced.
“Take your time,” Elin replied, looking at Ingrid.
Sarah nodded, rolled her eyes, and walked back into the kitchen.
“So, dessert?”
“It’s not what you think,” Ingrid said.
“Oh,” Elin replied, smirking at her.
“You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” Ingrid asked.
“A little.”
Ingrid laughed and said, “Sarah is lending me her kitchen for the night. I thought we could make your favorite dessert.”
“Yes,” Ingrid replied. “I bought all the ingredients. They’re already in the back, and I’ll be Sarah’s guinea pig for the next year in exchange for tonight. She plans on trying just about every combination of ingredients in the known universe, I think.”
Elin laughed, and Ingrid just listened to the sound.
“Well, I can help, maybe. I mean, if I can contribute in any way, I will. Maybe if… I help or something, I can cut your time in half.”
“That would require you becoming a mainstay at our apartment,” Ingrid replied.
“I guess you have a choice to make then: I can come around more, or you can enjoy the year of risky recipes.”
“Not a choice, Elin,” Ingrid said.
Elin smiled at her, and they ate their appetizer in relative silence. It reallywasdelicious. The entrée was even better. Sarah had really outdone herself, and Ingrid would happily be her tester for a decade because Elin was sitting in front of her, eating and laughing.
“Tell me about your new job. We haven’t really talked about it,” Elin said.
“Well, my stepdad owns his own company now. He’s been working on it, toiling away working for someone else his whole life, and he decided to finally take a chance on himself. It’s not all that large yet, but I’m in an entry-level role right now. Well, I’m a step above that, but I wanted to work my way up.”
“Like you did at the palace?” Elin asked.
“Yes,” she confirmed. “Anyway, it’s just starting to turn a profit. He’s had a standing offer for me for a while now, but I was happy where I was.”
Elin smiled and told her, “So was I.”