Page 38 of Captivated
“Captain.” I grin, walking aboard my vessel. “How is the Fortuna?”
“She’s fully stocked and ready for her voyage on Wednesday sir. Chef will bring perishable items Tuesday night.”
“Good … good! We will have the usual group here. I do have a special guest coming, her name is Amelia.”
“Very good sir. I’ll make the crew aware.” I nod as I walk through the upper deck, checking the alcohol choices. “She likes sweet drinks. Make sure there are plenty of fruity flavors available. Toni knows she likes his cosmos. He’s to have an unlimited supply.”
I continue my walkthrough with Captain Pete in tow. “I want some of the high-end French line of toiletries with lavender and jasmine scents … maybe some coconut.”
“Yes, sir. Chef is here, would you like to review the menu?”
“Yes.” I head towards the galley. “Chef.”
“Mr. Starks.” He stands as I walk in.
“I would like to see the planned menu. I told Captain the usual gang is coming. I also have a special guest: her name is Amelia. I want the best moscato.”
“I understand sir.” I sit down with him, looking at his menu choices. I’m pleased. “Ms. Amelia loves oysters Rockefellers. Make sure we have plenty for the voyage. I also want a selection of finger foods available throughout the day; plan for several courses. We’re sailing, drinking, and dancing. We will dock some. You and Captain will work that out,” I confirm, looking between the two of them.
“Captain, I don’t want to be presumptuous,” I tell him as I walk towards the sleeping quarters. “Put Marcus and Gerry, Andy and Tierra, and Michael and Tina in their usual quarters. Please have the fourth bedroom prepared for Ms. Amelia.”
“I understand sir. It will be fully stocked for her every desire.”
“Excellent.” I walk into my master quarters. I don’t have any condoms on board, she may be offended if I bring condoms because that screams expectations or she may look at it as prepared.Shit!I’ve never thought twice about this, I always have condoms.
“Have you taken her out?” I ask.
“Yes, sir! Running perfectly,” the captain confirms.Good!
“We’re leaving Wednesday morning as soon as Amelia arrives. So have the crew here no later than eight and ready to depart immediately upon our arrival.” I walk back out on the sundeck. I can’t wait to see her lounging on the white sofa. My cock is getting hard just imagining her.Friends, remember Quinton, I tell myself. I shake Captain Pete’s hand as I leave the Fortuna.
This has been the longest damn weekend of my life. Sundays are so boring. I wonder what sweet Amelia is doing. I sit down in my empty penthouse. The solitude has never bothered me. I’m glad the gang is all on board for the trip.
I guess this day was somewhat productive. After all, I did head to the docks. The captain, crew, and chef are all prepared for the trip.
“Why?” Eric screams. I look at the clock, it’s not even eight in the morning. “I told you Friday they were getting you a ticket.”
“I told you I had no desire to go to Birmingham, before you had them purchase one.” He yanks the covers off me. I really just want to relax. I wish I could wake up to the sound of nothing.
“You’re really fucking pissing me off about this!” I look at him like he’s an idiot. “You’re fucking going. Start packing your shit.” I grab the cover and pull it over my head. “Get the fuck out of the damn bed.” Eric grabs my foot, dragging me to the foot of the bed.
“Shit! Eric stop.” I’m kicking my captured ankle at him. “Let me go.” He doesn’t until he successfully busts my lip on the foot of the bed.Thanks for the morning face plant.I hold my lip, tasting blood. “Well guess you’re satisfied. My lip is going to be swollen.”
“Shit Amelia, I didn’t mean for you to hit your face.” Eric bends, trying to check my lip. Yeah right, he just doesn’t want his anger shown to the public.
“Don’t touch me,” I hiss pushing him aside. I slam the bathroom door shut. Not even eight in the morning, and I have a busted lip. I cry into my hands, listening to Eric begging for me to open the door. He’s all apologetic.
“I’m not going Wednesday with you. You can get mad and throw shit. I don’t care,” I scream through the door. I’m crying as I pace back and forth. “I told you already I didn’t want to go. I thought it was settled.” He is too quiet. It’s creeping me out. I walk to the door and place my ear against it. I don’t know if he’s still here or not.
I jump back from the door and scream. He just slapped the door with his hand, possibly punched it. I don’t know. I do know I’m not unlocking it.
“Fuck it. I’m sick of this fucking shit Amelia,” Eric screams. “Fuck! I’m out of here. You can get your goddamn shit and leave.” I hear his stomping fade. He slams the front door so hard, the bathroom door pops in the jam.
My heart is still pounding when I open the door. I look at the comforter yanked to the floor. “Asshole,” I whisper wiping my nose. I don’t understand his sudden bursts of anger—his tantrums. I walk downstairs. He’s gone.