Page 49 of Spearcrest Rose
And above all, I have the feeling Sophie wouldn’t appreciate an apology. She wouldn’t want it. For someone who’s endured so many insults, Sophie has a lot of pride in her. Her pride is her armour.
Maybe that’s why Evan is so obsessed with her. Because there’s nothing in his arsenal—not his popularity, not his athletic prowess, not his good looks—that could put a chip in her armour.
For the first time in my life, I envy Sophie. Not because of Evan—but because she has that true strength Noah spoke about, that innate ability to take her punches and never go down. Sophie glides through Spearcrest like nothing can get to her. She makes it look easy, but I know now how hard it is.
And that’s the missing part of the puzzle. I never understood what Evan saw in Sophie, what kept him forever drawn to her. But it was in front of me all along. It wasn’t her poverty, her circumstances or her prefect badge. It was her strength.
Thinking of Sophie and Evan doesn’t hurt me the way it used to. I hope they make it. If they do, then maybe Noah and I can make it too. We might come from different worlds, but why should it mean we’re doomed? Evan has never given up on Sophie, and now I understand why.
I never want to give up on Noah. I pull my phone out of my bag and open my chat with Noah. Why do I keep waiting for the perfect time to text him? There’ll never be a perfect time. There’ll only ever benow.
Rose: Are you free next Thursday?
He responds a few minutes later when I’m putting my books back on their shelves.
Noah: I can be.
Rose: Please.
Noah: Alright. See you then?
Rose: See you then x
I put my phone away, not expecting him to text back. But when I check it a while later, I see that he responded to my last text.
Noah: Can’t wait, princess x
Chapter 20
Gorgeous Filthy Boxer Boyfriend
Noah’sdooropensbeforeI can even raise my hand to knock. He sweeps me up into his arms, burying his face in my neck with a groan.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he mumbles against my skin.
He pulls me inside and puts me down. Before he closes his door, he peers outside with narrowed eyes. “Your dad’s not waiting outside with a shotgun or anything, is he?”
I laugh and push the door shut. “What would you do if he was? Fight him barehanded?”
He rolls his eyes but grins. “I’d use your body as a shield, obviously.”
“I’m too beautiful to be used as a shield,” I point out.
“Your ego is so big that it would repel the bullets like a force field.”
“Nothing wrong with a healthy ego,” I tell him as he locks the door behind us. “You should try it.”
He grins and lifts me into his arms. I wrap my legs around him. “You can inflate mine any time.”
I curl my arms around his neck, pressing myself against him. “I can think of so many other things I’d rather do than feed your ego.”
“You mean like having me feed yours?”
“I would never dream of making you do such a thing.”
“Trust me, princess, I know exactly what you’re dreaming of.”
He carries me to his bed and sets me carefully down. He takes off my coat and sweater, rolls down my skirt and pulls off my boots. When I’m standing in my underwear and tights, he kneels in front of me, looking up at me as he slowly starts pulling my stockings down.