Page 2 of Off Limits Silver Fox
“That’s why you were hired,” he replies curtly.
I chew my bottom lip, knowing I left myself open for that jibe. This wasn’t how I thought my day would pan out. He must be wondering why his HR person hired me.
“The deadline is early November.”
“That’s only two months from now!” I blurt out before I can stop myself.
His thick brows shoot up. “Will that be a problem?”
“No. Not at all.” The midterm elections, of course. Today is not my day. I have to bring my A-game, or he might start thinking I wasn’t hired on merit.
“We’ll work closely together on this project to ensure its successful completion.”
My heart skips a beat at that information. For a few seconds, I wonder if it would be wiser to hand in my resignation now. Working with him might mean more mistakes and humiliation.
No, I can do this. I didn’t graduate with stellar grades to quit because I’m nervous on my first day and my boss, though handsome, appears not to suffer fools gladly. I’ve worked hard to get here, and I deserve it. Besides, I need this job to pay off Mom’s medical bills and make sure Melissa has enough money to attend Yale.
Grasping that he is giving further details about the project, I realize that I have to take notes like the others. I reach into my purse for my notepad. Rustling candy wrappers shred the air as I search for my book in the large bag. Candies relax me, and I always have them handy. Ill-advisedly, I also keep many other things in my bag, making it hard to reach for what I need.
The silence in the room finally penetrates my consciousness. My gaze darts to my boss. Noting the anger in the depth of his dreamy eyes, I pause in my search and straighten on the chair.
I clear my throat and nod. “Please continue.”
“Thank you,” he replies stiffly.
Luckily, I locate the notepad and retrieve it without making another sound. Now, I need a pen. Dare I incur his wrath again by searching for it in my bag? My eyes roam to my right, where his secretary is seated on the chocolate-brown sofa taking notes. I glance at the glass coffee table for a spare pen. Nothing. The man who had looked at me as if I was something the cat dragged in when I came into the office continues scribbling, not noticing that I am trying to get his attention.
Maybe he has a spare one in the folder on the coffee table. Will it be too much of a distraction to ask him? If only I could catch his eye without interrupting my boss again. To him, that might be the last straw to break the camel’s back.
Feeling like a recalcitrant student before a stern teacher, I put up my hand.
His face instantly tightens. “Yes? What is it now, Miss Graham?”
Holding back a blush, I utter in a small voice, “Please, may I reach into my bag for my pen?”
“By all means, do.” His tone has a twinge of exasperation as he leans back against the black leather swivel chair and folds his arms across his chest.
Sensing his intense glare on me, shivers of apprehension run through me. My hand trembles as I search for a pen. Of course, my candies disturb the peace of the room again, but I ignore it. Finally, I find the pen, but as I go to zip the bag, it slips from my hands and falls to the floor. The contents spill everywhere, and I hurriedly and haphazardly put them back.
When I straighten, I dare not look in Mr. Payne’s direction for fear of what I would read in his green-eyed gaze or that of the other occupants in the room.
“Is that all?”
I nod, keeping a straight face.
“You don’t wish to use the ladies’ room, order a cup of coffee, or anything else?”
“No,” I whisper, aware he’s making fun of me. I can’t blame him. Ever since I stepped into his office, I’ve been making a bumbling fool of myself.
Fighting to regain my professionalism and shift the attention away from me, I raise my notepad and scribble on it… or try to. Why am I not surprised that the pen isn’t working? I try again, but it’s futile. Everything has gone wrong for me today. If I were superstitious, I would have believed higher forces were against me. Sudden unwanted tears glisten in my eyes, and I hastily blink them away.
“If that’s all you need, perhaps you can tell us why Mr. Henshaw hired you and how you intend to handle the project.”
Finally! It is time to show them the stuff I’m made of. That’s if I don’t mess it up.
Fingers crossed.