Page 2 of The Rain of Love
"Who wouldn't after last night?" Her face turns rosier after my reply. Sasha tries to push me, but I block her hand and hold it tight instead. She freezes and looks straight into my eyes. I lean closer to her; she parts her lips, anticipating a kiss. I hold back my chuckle and whisper, "Professor Mallows wants me to do some maintenance checks on the house before they come on Sunday. We have the whole house for the next two days. If you want to stay?”
"Two days? But wasn't I…?"
“You were great,” I can tell she’s worried about how she satisfied me last night.
Sasha wasn't as wild as the other women I fucked – yet – but I'll soon teach her to blossom into one. I need her to be crazy about sex first. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her hips against mine; our crotches bump against each other.
"That's why I hope you'll stay. We can…" I kiss Sasha's lips and add, "talk to know each other and do everything all over again."
Sasha blushes again and avoids looking at me. I hold her face and level it with mine. I raise my eyebrows at her, asking if she will stay. She shows a meek smile before answering me with a nod.Perfect.I'll turn her into a wildflower by then.
What is it with Gabriel? I've always lived with calculating the consequences of my decisions and actions. And most often, the possible negative outcome scares me more than the positive one excites me. Hence, I control my impulsiveness and suppress my wild side. But yesterday, Gabriel breached my barriers within just a day of meeting him. He pushed me out of my box and turned me into somebody I didn't know. I never thought taking risks would be this exciting!
"Do you know the best-truth game?" Gabriel asks. He is yet to pull his face away from mine. His lips brush mine while he speaks; his breath blows into my mouth and spreads heat and desire all over my nerves. "We can play that."
“Truth game?”
“We tell one truth about each other. Whoever says the lousiest one loses and gets punished,” Gabriel says with a cheeky smirk.
I counter his smirk with a suspecting look. “How would we know if we are telling the truth?”
"That's what this game is about. Giving your trust to the other," Gabriel explains. He steps back and explains, "We don't know if we will be truthful, but we will know how much we can trust each other. And from there, we'll let that trust grow."
Mixed emotion gushes all over me. I'm happy to know Gabriel wants to further what we have now, but I can't help being scared. What truth will I tell him? That he can die because of me? That I’m about to be betrothed to a Bratva heir? I’m intrigued about the truth he will tell me, but will he be the same after knowing who I am?
“You don’t want to play this game?” he asks when I fail to reply. “Or am I going too far and too fast?”
“No. It’s just that…”
"I'll go first. You can stop the game if you don't like it," Gabriel offers, but the edges of his lips show a frown. He walks to the stove and places a frying pan. "I'm not a good cook. But I make a delicious grilled cheese sandwich. That's what we'll have for dinner."
“No fish and fries?” It’s my desperate attempt to divert the game.
“We took the last packs last night,” Gabriel says while putting some sliced bread on the pan. “Your truth.”
“That was your truth?” I laugh a little. “I like anything with cheese.”
Gabriel grabs a pack of cheese slices and throws it near me. “Have everything,” he says with a pout.
He knows I'm avoiding the game. He doesn't say another word and continues to grill the bread. I bite my lips while watching the butter melting around the bread. There's silence between Gabriel and me. Only the sound of the seared bread fills the room.
I close my eyes and gather my courage. I've already let Gabriel have me all night. Letting us know each other won't be a big deal. Also, like him, I want to deepen what we had last night. I don't want my first time to be just a one-night stand.
"You were my first kiss and everything," I confess when he flips the bread. Gabriel looks at me with a disappointed grin. "It's the truth. I'm not making it up."
“So, you didn’t deliberately surrender?”
“Surrender? Are you saying it's a lie?"
Gabriel takes a plate and places the grilled sandwiches. "It's an obvious truth, Sasha. You kissed like a high schooler, and you were a virgin."
I grab the sandwich and stick it into his mouth. "So, you were lying when you said I was great?"
Gabriel takes the sandwich out and laughs. When I continue to frown at him, he pulls my head close and kisses me with some bread in his mouth. It grosses me out a little, and I push the bread out. But he uses his tongue to share it with me. The sweetness, the butter, and the saltiness of the cheese erupt in my mouth, inciting my greed.