Page 15 of Dating a Cowgirl
“Spending extra time with me… wouldn’t that make her think that you’re taken?”
Adam’s crooked grin made her insides melt once more. “Honestly? I didn’t come up with this plan until Bridget mentioned how much you wanted this truck fixed. You needed something and I needed something. It was a win-win. Anyone else might not care enough to agree to such an arrangement, you know?”
Well, at least that made more sense. She could use his explanation, though chances were slim that Grace and Brielle would just accept it at face value. Her hands dropped to her sides, the fire that had built within her simmering into something else. “Okay.”
“Okay? Can we drop this subject now? Because I got the parts to fix your truck. And since you have no idea what we’re doing, I’m basically gonna be doing this on my own with your assistance. You know what the names of tools are, right? Or am I going to have to start at the very beginning and teach you what a screwdriver does?”
The lingering warmth in her face pulsed but only slightly. “I was raised by a father who didn’t have sons. I think I can handle giving you the tools you ask for.”
“Good. Let’s get started.” He nodded his head toward the front door. “I’m going to open the garage. You pull your truck into the bay.”
This girl was undeniably the most interesting girl Adam had ever met. One second she was spitting and hissing like an angry little kitten, and the next she was as sweet as a playful puppy dog. He couldn’t tell if his intrigue should be replaced with concern. Had he entered into a deal with a woman who would turn on him?
It was a good thing he wasn’t interested in her in a romantic capacity. That would make for a far more difficult arrangement.
Only now that she’d mentioned it, there was a part of him that entertained the idea—not seriously, though. He wasn’t dumb enough to get involved with her. That curious part of him would just have to be okay with their friendship.
Faye climbed out of the truck and tossed him the keys. “I guess you get to take these for a while, huh?”
Adam caught the bundle with one hand. “We won’t be using them any time soon. It takes a normal crew with all the right tools around twelve hours on average to replace the engine. Longer since you don’t have any experience and I have to teach you a few things.”
“What about the transmission?” She glanced at the truck behind her, letting her hand trail over the edge of the hood. “You said we had to do that too?”
He nodded. “That’s even longer. It’s more complicated, and it can take anywhere from three to five days. But seeing as we’re working on the truck just on weekends, it’s gonna take a couple months before we get it done.”
“A few months?” Her head snapped around to look at him. “I’m going to be without a truck for a few months?”
“I guess you’ll have to go back to what you did before your sister gave it to you. That’s what happened, right? Grace owned this truck first?”
Faye’s disappointed sigh tugged at him more than he’d like to admit. If he could have offered her a rental while they worked on it, he would have. That just wasn’t something he had available. She didn’t respond to his question, so he let it drop. Faye was an adult. She’d figure something out.
His focus shifted to her clothes. The T-shirt and jeans she wore looked far too nice for her to be working with oil and the like. Adam let out a chuckle, drawing her attention.
“It’s your turn to put on something you’re going to hate.”
Her brows creased and her eyes narrowed. “You were joking about that helmet.”
“Yes. But the clothes you’re wearing aren’t going to be the best when you’re working with motor oil.”
She looked down at her clothes. “These are old. I’m fine with them getting dirty.”
“Did you bring a change of clothes?”
“No, why would I do that?”
He shook his head. “I guess there are a few things we both had to learn.” He headed for a large cabinet and pulled out a pair of coveralls that were already stained. In one swift motion, he tossed them at her. “Put these on over your clothes. That way when you’re done, you can take them off and you don’t have to track anything into the vehicle you’re taking home.”
Faye held the coveralls and a look of distaste crossed her face, but it was immediately replaced with wide eyes. “Shoot. I forgot to ask if my sister could pick me up. Oh great. Neither one of them is gonna want to do that today.”
“Why wouldn’t your sisters want to help you?” He asked the question out of habit, not really expecting her to answer.
“I got in a fight with them this morning.”