Page 27 of Dating a Cowgirl
Shedidask, didn’t she? Faye wanted to get to work. It was clear by the way she just went all robotic that she didn’t want him there. It was like watching a well-oiled machine. The way she took care of the horses after their ride was almost mesmerizing. He should have spoken up at that point. He could have helped.
But something held him back, and he didn’t know what it was exactly.
“You want tostay.” Her voice was laced with an almost judgmental tone. Or disbelief. It was entirely possible that was what she was feeling.
Well, why wouldn’t he stay? He was teaching her how to fix a truck in a way. Why wouldn’t he want to learn what it takes to handle a horse? What if he wanted to purchase one?
Oh yeah, she was staring at him.
Adam chuckled and shrugged. “Sure. I could help. I detail enough cars. Saddles shouldn’t be too different, right?”
Her brows pulled together, smile gone. She was close enough to touch, and he itched to brush away a strand of wet hair that clung to the hollow of her neck. But that would be too forward. He couldn’t just touch her like that.
Yes, most definitely. Touching her would be inappropriate.
“Just tell me what I can do to help. Then I’ll take us to get some coffee.”
“You want to get some coffee?” Her voice cracked and those eyes of hers continued to penetrate him right to his soul. He needed to leave. She’d asked him to. He should just go. So why couldn’t he take the steps backward, bid her farewell, and tell her he’d see her in a week?
Because, the truth was, a week was beginning to feel like an eternity and he wanted to get to know her a little more. These short sessions weren’t nearly long enough.
Adam let out a heavy sigh. “Fine, if you don’t want to—”
“No. I’ll go.” She looked away, her long lashes brushing against her cheeks. Then her hand came up and brushed away that strand of hair that had caught his attention in the first place. “I mean, I’d never turn down a free cup of coffee.” Her lashes fluttered and she glanced up at him once more.
He didn’t know what prompted him to take a step closer, but he did. The distance between them shrank and the electrical current intensified much like the storm they’d just escaped from. Her gaze was locked with his, and it was like he’d lost all control of his ability to think clearly.
Something clattered toward the entrance of the barn, and they both jumped. One of the ranch hands picked up a pitchfork that had fallen to the floor. He waved toward them and then grabbed another tool and disappeared.
When Adam turned his attention to Faye, she brushed past him, all business again. “Tack is important to keep dry. If you’re out riding in the rain, you need to take care of it as soon as the horse has been helped. Leaving it to the next day isn’t an option if you don’t want to be out several hundred dollars.”
Yep. All business.
That was fine.
Faye was the kind of person who could mesmerize her audience purely by the way she stayed on task. She had a talent with everything in this barn she touched. From the way she could clean and lubricate the saddle and bridles they’d used to the way she inspected every loop and buckle. She talked fast, and he wasn’t ashamed to say he enjoyed just listening to her as he watched her work.
She stopped suddenly and faced him. “I just realized I’m doing all the work again.”
He stiffened. Was that a comment meant to put him in his place? He’d offered to help, after all.
Her cheeks colored and she laced her fingers behind her neck. “I’m sorry. I know you’re not gonna be able to learn a single thing by watching. Do you want to—”
Adam stepped forward and nodded. “What do you need me to do?”
She held out a small tin can. “Do you think you can handle the conditioner? After all, it’s just like the interior of a car, right?” Faye’s lips twitched upward, and he matched her grin with one of his own.
Their fingertips grazed against one another, causing another spark to take place between them. Or maybe that was all in his head. Then again, it could be the storm and the way their boots scuffed against the floor in the barn.
She moved out of the way to give him space as he set to work. “Can I ask you a question?” she asked.
“Did you always want to work on cars?”