Page 46 of Dating a Cowgirl
Adam’s eyes searched hers back and forth.
It can’t be this easy.
Of course it can. She literally gave you permission.
Kiss the girl before she changes her mind, you numbskull.
He tilted her chin upward a fraction and slowly lowered his lips to brush against hers. A strange hum buzzed between them. Or maybe it was a purring sound like that of a well-oiled engine. The connection was intoxicating, making him feel like he had taken drugs of some kind.
Adam had kissed women before. He’d had his fair share of relationships.
But this was different.
This was… electrifying.
Faye breathed life into him with her scent and her beautiful eyes. She kept him on his toes with her sharp tongue and quick wit.
She had more talent in one finger than most had in their whole body, and he should have noticed long before now.
And she wanted him.
At least that’s what he told himself as he allowed his hands to frame her face so he could feel her soft skin. This kiss hinted at something far greater and incomprehensible than he would have ever dreamed possible.
She was like putty in his hands, soft and yet firm, willing to be molded and shaped into what he needed. That wasn’t to say he wanted to change her. It was that she fit every single thing on his list, and he’d been blind to it.
A soft moan left her lips, shattering his thoughts and bringing him back to reality. Adam pulled back reluctantly, wishing this kiss didn’t have to end but knowing that wasn’t a possibility.
Her eyes opened, clear as the summer sky.
Now what?
Do something, quick, or she’s going to push you away.
She wouldn’t do that.
Were you not there the last time she got mad? This one is a fireball.
But she’s going to be my fireball.
He grinned at her, tracing her jawline with the edge of his thumb. “That was…” There were literally no words he could say to express how happy she’d made him feel. And if there were, he’d never heard them before. “Please tell me you felt it.”
Her lips parted and she exhaled.
Chills rocketed through him. She didn’t have to speak. He’d seen what pushing her could do, and right now, he was content just to be this close to her and have her permission to touch her in this intimate way. Was he crazy?
No. This was something else entirely.
Not love. He wouldn’t go so far as to jump offthatcliff.
But something was brewing, and it was big.
“Don’t say anything if you don’t want to. I’m fine with that. You can think about this, and we can talk about it again later.”
“When?” Her whisper was soft, but it had the strength alone to lift the hairs on the back of his neck.
“Whenever you’re ready.” He stepped back, forcing himself to give her the distance she needed when all he wanted was to pull her into his arms and claim her for his own. “I mean it. Whenever you want to talk, I’ll be here.” Adam put his thumb over his shoulder. “But I should probably get going.” He didn’t want to jinx this moment.