Page 56 of Dating a Cowgirl
His eyes shifted to her then returned to the window. “Atom.”
Faye let out a laugh. “Adam? You named your star after you?”
He shook his head. “A-tom. But yeah. I named it after me. I thought it’d be funny that people would pronounce the names the same.”
She dropped down again and stared at the sky. “I think it’s sweet. Cute little Adam naming a star so it sounds like his name.” Without really thinking about it, she snuggled next to him. Their view of the sky was about the size of a large flat-screen television, but it was enough to give the right romantic effect. Her cheek rested against his shoulder, and he turned his head to kiss her temple.
Goosebumps lifted on her arms and she trembled.
“You cold?”
“No,” she murmured. There was no way she was going to tell him just how much he affected her. This was the start of something new—something great—something she wouldn’t take for granted.
* * *
One monthlater
Faye watched Adam as he hunched over the hood of his latest and tightened something or loosened something. At this point she didn’t know what he was doing or how she was supposed to be helping. All she wanted to do was admire him as he did what he did best.
Adam lifted his head and gave her that crooked grin that turned her legs into mush. “You gonna make yourself useful, or are you going to just stand there?”
“Iambeing useful.”
He straightened, putting the tool in his hand down on a nearby table. He grabbed a dirty rag from his shoulder to clean his hands before tossing it back there again. Leaning his hip against the truck, he grinned at her. “How is that? By eating my snacks and taking up all the oxygen?” Adam sauntered closer then tugged her toward him. “Because that doesn’t seem very helpful to me.”
She tilted her head as she draped her arms around his neck. “I keep you company. Isn’t that enough? This isn’t even my mom’s truck, which by the way, we finished last week.”
“We?” He tossed his head back and laughed. “From what I recall, you haven’t lifted a finger since our first official date. But youhaveprovided me with something pretty to look at.”
Pleasure coursed through her body at his compliment. She still hadn’t gotten used to the way he talked about her in that way. She’d assumed that this honeymoon phase of their relationship would quickly die off, but as of now there was no end in sight.
Adam lowered his mouth to capture hers in a breath-stealing kiss that made her toes curl. He swung her around and stared into her eyes, lighting her insides on fire.
Over the last month, they’d gone from seeing each other every weekend to spending every spare moment together. He’d been getting better at riding, but much to his disappointment, she’d lost interest in working on anything mechanical—though she couldn’t help but love watching him work.
Faye turned her head to the side to catch her breath. Being with Adam was easy—like breathing. They got along so well it was hard to believe.
She gasped, pushing Adam away from her with a force she didn’t know she had.
He took a stumbled step backward, and for a moment, she worried he’d lose his balance. Adam turned toward their intrusion just as Faye looked up. Bridget eyed them with amusement. She had one hand on her hip and the other holding a stack of mail. “You know, there are better places to make out—with more privacy.”
Faye’s cheeks flooded with heat. It was easy being with Adam except when they were caught together. There was one thing that she had a hard time with. It was strange, but she never thought she’d actually be scared to fullycommit. A whole month and she still hadn’t called him her boyfriend, nor had they hadthe talk.
Was she seeing anyone else? No. And she was fairly certain he wasn’t dating anyone else. But to put a label on it just felt impossible. It was better to be easy—to go with the flow.
She shoved her hands into her pockets and looked at her feet. It would be naïve to believe no one noticed how much time they spent together. The town probably had given them the exact label she was avoiding taking for herself.
They had time. There was no need to rush this.
Bridget held out the stack of papers. “Mail came. Thought you might want it. Looks like you got that informational packet about the rodeo coming to Colorado Springs.”
Faye’s ears perked up. Adam hadn’t mentioned anything about the rodeo. Her stomach knotted and she lectured herself for not talking to him about this sooner.
Adam left her side and took the stack from Bridget. “Thanks. Hey, did you finish up on the Baker’s truck? They’re wanting to pick it up this afternoon.”
She nodded.