Page 25 of Merch
One of the pricks turns his eyes to Lisa, his face darkening into a sneer.
“I have no idea who the cop is talking about because I don’t see any ladies around here. I only see a biker wh-.”
I think he might have been about to saywhore. But we’ll never know, Palmer’s fist smashing into his nose with a satisfying crunch cutting off his words.
He goes down hard, curling up next to his friend with the beginnings of a black eye. Blood spills around his fingers, where the guy’s hands are at his nose.
Palmer isn’t done. Reaching down, he hauls the fucker to his feet, shaking him like a rag doll and grabbing the back of his head, forcing him to look at Lisa.
“Apologize to my old lady.Now,” he growls. The preppy fuck doesn’t lower his hands, tears spilling over his cheeks.
“I’m s-sorry,” he wails. A goddamn grown man crying over a broken nose. I’ve seen it all.
“Get the fuck out of here.” Palmer shoves the guy, aiming a kick at the pussy still on the ground. It’s a black eye, not a gutshot. Why the fuck is he still sitting there? Pussies, the lot of them.
One of their other buddies reaches down, hauling him to his feet.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.”
“Yeah, we need to get Hank to a hospital so they can look at his nose.”
A hospital? For a broken nose? What a waste of money. Lisa grins after them as they leave, Palmer glowering, standing beside her with his arms crossed over his chest like a hulking shadow. The second they disappear into the parking lot, Palmer turns his glare on me.
“Thanks for the backup.”
“You had it handled. It would have been an unfair fight if I joined in.”
Palmer snickers, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Yeah. Bunch of fucking pussies.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Lisa rolls her eyes, slipping her arm around Palmer’s waist.
“I’m hungry. Let’s go get some pizza.”
Palmer’s arm drops around her shoulders, and he grins, his eyes flickering over me.
“You coming, cunt?”
To eat pizza? Of course I’m fucking coming.
Chapter 10
Thank god the speeches have ended. I thought they were going to drag on through another course. Sophie appears, giggling and waving her fingers in my face. The fingers of her left hand have a very sparkly, verylargering.
“Oh my god!” I squeal, throwing my arms around you. “Congratulations!”
“Isn’t it gorgeous?” Sophie admires her ring, cooing over it. “And I’ve seen the LA house. Incredible. I can’t wait to move.”
“I’m going to miss you.”
Sophie’s smile falters, and she throws her arms around me again.
“I’m going to miss you too. But you have plenty of time on your hands. I don’t think Hugh will mind if you come and visit for a month at a time.”
My smile doesn’t quite meet my eyes. Hugh will absolutely fucking mind if I come and mooch on their couch for a month at a time.Sophiewould mind. Sophie likes hanging out and partying with me. But when she’s married, she will have other things to do with her time. That LA house isn’t going to decorate and redecorate itself.