Page 28 of Merch
Blinking as my phone beeps, I stare in surprise as Annalisa messages right back.
ANNALISA: I go by Lisa.You were at Pinedale Prep, weren’t you? I’m fine. Hank came off worse than me.
Grinning, I update her contact details and type back a message.
SHELLEY: I was a few years below you. I have no doubt he came off worse. The gossip about him is pretty solid.
LISA: Really? I’d love to hear it. Are you around San Remo? We could do lunch?
SHELLEY: I’m free as a bird. I can meet you whenever. Just text the deets.
Lisa sends through the address of a diner, suggesting we meet in half an hour, and I grin. Perfect. I plug my phone in, pulling up the GPS with the directions to the diner. If I leave now, I’ll get there right on time.
The diner is very clichéd. The waitress has one of those 1950s diner outfits. Yellow with a white apron and white tennis shoes. Cute.
I recognize Lisa when I walk in. She’s sitting alone in a booth on the other side of the room, a coffee cup in front of her. She looks a little like her mother and vaguely familiar. I never spoke to her at Pinedale Prep, but I would say I saw her around.
Crossing to her booth, I slide across from her, offering a smile.
“Shelley Hunter?” she asks, her dark eyebrows raising.
“That’s right,” I say slowly. Lisa immediately rolls her eyes.
“Talk normally, or it’s fucking hard to lipread.”
Okay. She’s my kind of girl. Grinning, I accept a menu from the waitress, quickly ordering the first thing my eyes land on. Lisa orders as well, and we’re left alone.
Leaning forward, Lisa rests her elbows on the table, her chin on the back of her wrists.
“So.” She waggles her eyebrows. “Why did you really want to catch up with me?”
Busted. My cheeks heat up, and Lisa smirks at me. “I’m surprised you could meet so quickly.”
“Bored rich girl benefits,” I offer with a shrug, my eyes narrowing. “You said yes quickly too.”
“I’m flexible with my hours,” she replies cryptically. “How come you wanted to meet?”
“As I said, I wanted to check in with you. The other night, I was at a dinner event and had a run-in with the Wolf Pack. They mentioned you specifically.”
Lisa wrinkles her nose, smiling at the waitress as she lays our plates in front of us. Lisa is having a burger and fries. I got a salad wrap.
“God. Are they still calling themselves that? I thought it was just a high school phase.”
I’m so, so glad I didn’t know the Wolf Pack at high school. Small mercies.
“Unfortunately not,” I drawl back. “I asked what Hank did to deserve getting hit, but they said he just made some harmless comment to you, and your biker boyfriend totally overreacted.”
Lisa rolls her eyes, toying with a fry. “He was going to call me a biker whore. Almost got the whole word out before Palmer hit him too. Idiot.”
My eyes widen. Holy shit. Hank clearly has shit for brains. Who says that in front of someone’s boyfriend? Biker or not. Lisa is still shaking her head.
“You would have thought he would have learned to keep his mouth shut from Pete being hit.”
“Wait, Pete got hit?”
I search my brain, trying to remember his appearance at the event. I don’t think he looked like he had been hit.
“Yeah. Black eye. Nothing serious.”