Page 14 of Viper
“That all sounds fucking terrible,” I reply, standing and nodding to the kid behind the bar as I leave.
“You have no fucking idea!” Joey yells after me as I stride out of the clubhouse, ignoring the calls from the boys at the pool tables to join them. Looks like I’m in for another night on my couch with a beer and the game on. Fucking Joey.
Chapter 5
“You ready to go, Peaches?”
Glancing up from where I’m stacking building blocks, my stomach flutters at the sight of Viper leaning against the doorframe, his arms and legs crossed, watching me.
“You go.” Shelley shoos me with her hand, putting away the art supplies. “I’m almost done here, and Merch should be along shortly.”
Standing, I dust my hands off and grab my bag, offering a small smile to Viper. As I reach the doorway, he shoves away from the doorframe, falling into step beside me.
He has been dropping me to and from work for a week now. I always assure him that he doesn’t have to. I have looked online for a shitty secondhand car, but I haven’t found anything I can afford that isn’t barely functional. He keeps waving away my insistences, and he did buy me a helmet. That was so sweet of him.
Today is no different. When we get to his motorcycle, Viper flips open the saddlebag, pulling out the helmet stowed there. I reach for it, but he brushes my hands away, setting the helmet on my head, his eyes burning into mine as he fixes it under my chin. Holy crow, he’s handsome. No. Get it together, Naomi. It isnotsmart to be drooling over him.
I’m way too eager to climb onto the back of his ride, my arms snaking around his waist, my cheek resting against the back of his cut as the motorcycle roars to life between our legs. Any hesitation about riding on this thing has long since dried up. This is my only chance – twice a day – to snuggle up to Viper. There’s no way I’m wasting that time worrying about, you know…dying in a fiery crash.
The vibrations cut out as Viper parks the motorcycle at the curb in front of my house. I blink in surprise, climbing off and frowning. He never turns the engine off because he’s going to drive away. I blink harder when he climbsoff. What’s happening?
Any fluttering butterflies in my stomach disappear quickly when I follow his gaze to the middle of my front yard. What the hell?
“What happened here?” Viper asks, a frown pulling his eyebrows down. His guess is as good as mine. I shrug, frowning as I walk over to the pile of stuff in the middle of the yard.
My feet falter as I get closer, and I hurriedly close the distance between myself and the large pile of clothes, shoes, pictures… it’smystuff from my bedroom. My heart thumps. What the hell is going on?
I turn to Viper, who has followed me across and is frowning at all my belongings scattered on the dusty ground. His eyes meet mine.
“It’s my clothes and things,” I murmur. Viper’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Why are they on your lawn?”
“I have no idea.”
My eyes are already turning on the house. It doesn’t look any different than it did this morning when I locked up and climbed on behind Viper. I approach apprehensively, wondering what the hell is waiting for me inside. Viper shadows me closely, like a silent sentinel. I’m glad he didn’t drive off. This would be way more nerve-wracking to do alone.
Fumbling with my bag, I pull out my key, my hand shaking a little as I slide it into the lock. It doesn’t fit. My heart sinks to the soles of my shoes. I think I know what is happening. Honestly, I was kind of waiting for it.
His eyebrows are still raised as he stares at my now-pointless key. Frowning, his mouth thinned into a line, Viper raises a hand and hammers on the door.
There is laughter, footsteps, and the lock clicks. The door opens a sliver, and a pale blue eye appears. With its usual creak, the door reveals a honey-blonde-haired woman in shorts, a printed T-shirt, and Vans, tattoos covering her legs.
“Hi, Viper,” she simpers, ignoring me. “I’ll let Joey know you’ve come to visit her.”
Yeah, that’s what I thought might have happened. Joey’s taken over my house. Like she said she would after the funeral. I should havelistened.
“This is Naomi’s house,” Viper grunts at the blonde, who shrugs.
“Not anymore.” She shoots a poisonous glare at me and slams the door shut. I blink hard, willing myself not to cry. I don’t want to give Joey the satisfaction. What the hell am I going to do? Maybe I can salvage some stuff and go to the church?
The door creaks open again, but it’s not the honey-blonde when I look up. Joey is standing in a tight, low-cut top. She isn’t simpering at Viper like the other woman. She’s staring at me with hard eyes.
“What?” she asks sullenly. I hold up my key, praying my voice isn’t going to wobble embarrassingly.
“You changed the locks?” Not so wobbly at all. Go me.