Page 18 of Viper
Right. Because I’m now officially homeless. I’m not an idiot. I know that – whatever the reason he gave me a place to stay – Viper isn’t going to want me hovering around his house forever. I need to find my own home within my price range. The Hawks might say they’ll pay me extra, but I don’t think they’ll pay me double or something crazy.
“You said you live in a one-bedroom apartment. Are there any vacancies in your building?”
Shelley looks up, wrinkling her nose and shaking her head.
“I can pick at least three neighbors I’d be happy to kick out, but I don’t think they’re going anywhere. I’ll put out feelers, though, and I’ll tell Lisa to keep an eye on her building. There are three other Hawks who live there.”
Maybe I should ask the Pastor to put out feelers too. He might know some places in the South Side I might be able to afford.
The sounds of the jukebox follow me through the hallway to the crèche. All the kids will have been picked up by now. Naomi didn’t stay for the party last Friday – it was the day after she moved into Mom’s old room – but she might want to stay tonight.
She is a pretty good roommate. I’ve never had one before, but she seems all right. She cooks, cleans up after herself – and me – and she’s quiet. Sometimes I forget she’s there.
I’m confronted with my favorite sight when I stop in the doorway of the crèche room. Naomi is bending over, her yoga pants stretched over her gorgeous ass, as she picks up toys.
Shelley catches me looking – like always – smirking and turning to keep tidying. She never says anything, and Naomi has never mentioned that I like to stand and watch her ass, so I don’t know if Shelley has ever said anything to her.
“You should stay for the party,” Shelley calls over to Naomi, who straightens, hands full of toys. She crosses the room to dump them in one of the plastic tubs and shakes her head.
“Thanks, but it’s not my scene.”
Shelley smirks again, nodding. She doesn’t press it, so I guess I have my answer.
“Let’s get you home then, Peaches,” I rumble. She jumps, spinning and flushing as her eyes land on me.
“You scared me,” she laughs. I grin, jerking my head at the door.
Waving goodbye to Shelley, Naomi grabs her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and clutching the strap with both hands as she moves beside me.
“I’m ready to go. I can get a cab. You should stay for the party.”
“Get moving, Peaches,” I grunt. She laughs, walking out through the bar, weathering the glares from some of the groupies with her head held high. Joey isn’t here yet, but I wonder if that is the reason she’s hesitant about staying for the party.
We get to my rig, and she stands still, watching as I grab the helmet and set it on her head. She’s given up trying to do it herself, I think smugly. I like doing it – I know it’s clipped up nice and tight if I’ve done it myself.
I have no idea where these protective instincts have come from, but there’s just something about Peaches. Something that screamsprotect me! And it’s no skin off my nose to listen to the part of my brain telling me to obey.
Naomi waves me off when we arrive home, handing the helmet back and hurrying to the door. I already gave her a key, so I don’t have to worry about that. I gun the engine, waiting until the door closes behind her pretty little ass to roar away from the curb.
I wasn’t gone for an hour, but the party is in full swing when I walk back into the clubhouse. I stride up to the bar, ordering a whiskey from Trent and rolling my eyes as Joey’s voice floats over me. She’s in fine form, bitching about Naomi – as usual.
“She clearly hadn’t kept the cable subscription up. There wasn’t even a TV. I have no idea what she was doing. It’s like she kept Mama a prisoner in that house.”
My fingers drum on the bar. Trent shoots me an apologetic look, but he’s pouring drinks for Lena and Tammy-Lynn Shaw. I’m not about to demand he stops making cocktails for the President and Vice President’s old ladies when they’re having a girl's night out so that I don’t have to listen to Joey’s poison.
She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Naomi put her life on hold to care for their mother. Doesn’t Joey get that?
“I have no idea where she’s staying now, but I bet it’s a shithole. Have you seen what she wears? She has zero sense of style.”
“I don’t think she has a say in the décor,” Merch snorts, nodding to Trent as he moves to pour my whiskey. “She’s not about to make over Viper’s place.”
Joey’s eyes dart over Merch and me. “Why would she make over your place, Viper?”
I don’t answer, my fingers closing around my whiskey. Merch snorts, clapping his hand on my shoulder.
“Because she’s his new roommate.”