Page 27 of Viper
“You look sexy as fuck, Peaches,” I murmur against her lips. “Don’t you worry about that.”
She blushes when I lift my head. Smirking at her, I step away, smacking her ass as she makes her way to the door. Giggling, she steps out of the office, leading me to the clubhouse bar.
Chapter 10
Shelley’s eyes meet mine as we walk out of the double doors. She raises a hand in farewell, smirking as Viper’s hand lands on my lower back, his fingers stroking as he guides me over to her.
“I thought it wasn’t your scene?” she grins, a knowing look in her eye. My cheeks flame.
“I thought maybe I’d stay for a little while to see what the fuss is all about,” I mumble.
Viper fetches me a glass of vodka, his fingers brushing mine as I take it.
“Have fun, ladies.”
Saluting us with his whiskey glass, Viper strolls away, leaving me with Shelley. My heart sinks. I thought he was going to hang out with me here. I thought that was why he wanted me to stay.
I stayed because he screwed me, told me to, and called me Peaches. What else was I going to do? It’s our thing. Sipping my whiskey, I nod as Shelley tells me about some extravagant recipe she and Merch want to try. I think it’s beyond cute that they cook together.
Viper and I don’t do anything together. We sometimes watch TV sitting on the same couch, and we screw. But that’s about the extent of our joint activities. I had thought maybe… we were going to party together, but no.
“You have to slow roast it for at least four hours….” Shelley is still talking about the recipe. I nod along. I’ll taste it. She always brings me lunch – something she and Merch have cooked together. They make some weird stuff, but it’s always delicious.
I don’t know much about cooking. I can do all the basics. Mac and cheese, casseroles, meatloaf – all the stuff Mama liked to eat. But the actual process is more mechanical than fun for me.
My eyes wander as I nod to Shelley’s intricate explanation of basting. Viper is standing talking to Fangs, the club treasurer, but they aren’t alone. Women –groupies– keep coming up to them. Rubbing themselves all over Viper.
My mouth fills with bile, and I turn my face away. Is this what happens at the clubhouse on a Friday night before he comes home? I never expected him to be a saint – we’re not exclusive or evendating– but to ask me to stay and do it… is he sending me a message?
My heart is in my mouth as I risk another peek, immediately wishing I didn’t. My eyes snap back to Shelley’s face, focusing on the shape her mouth makes as she talks. I don’t hear anything she says, and I keep my back firmly turned.
I don’t need to see Joey rubbing herself all over Viper while she smirks and glares at me. I don’t need to see her doing anything with Viper.
My glass is empty, but I keep lifting it to my lips to give myself something to do. I need to get out of here. Maybe Shelley will leave soon, and they can give me a lift home? Viper’s place wouldn’t be too far out of the way for them.
I’ve never really thought about it before, but it’s suddenly occurring to me that not only would Viper be sleeping with other groupies, but he’s also probably slept with my sister. Probably more than once.
“Another drink?” Shelley’s words finally pierce through the fog in my brain. The idea of more vodka when what I have already drunk is churning in my stomach makes me want to gag.
“I’m okay. I’m not a big drinker.”
Shelley grins, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “That’s okay. I’m a huge drinker, so I’ll have yours.”
I force a smile, nodding along. I don’t want to stand alone, so I follow Shelley to the bar.
“A whiskey for Shelley, and what are you having, Naomi?”
I blink at the hang around behind the bar. Is he the same one that is always here? Is he the same one who served me a vodka after Mama’s funeral? I find my voice.
“Nothing for me, thanks.”
“Nana Naomi isn’t a drinker,” Shelley calls across the bar cheerfully, bumping me with her hip as she snatches up her whiskey, dragging me away from the bar. I let her guide me back to the bar table we were standing at.
“Oh look, Viper’s coming over.” Shelley waggles her eyebrows at me. Sure enough, when I lift my eyes, Viper is disentangling himself from two of Joey’s posse, making his way across the bar toward us.