Page 32 of Viper
Shoving my coverlet back, I climb out of bed, grab my clothes, and let myself out of the room, heading for the bathroom. Maybe after a shower, I will feel semi-human.
My feet falter as I stare at Viper’s door across the hall from mine. I should go and shower. I kicked him out of my bed last night. It’s none of my business who he might be in there with.
Sighing through gritted teeth, I take two steps away from the door toward the bathroom. My feet freeze. I have to know. I don’t care how pathetic that is.
Hurrying back to his door, I open it as quietly as possible, thanking my lucky stars it doesn’t creak the way mine does. I only open it far enough to peer in, my face pressed against the gap.
My heart is in my mouth as I steel myself and look. My breath whooshes out quietly. Viper is asleep in the middle of a large bed, his blond hair mussed up, his torso bare. He’s alone, the gray sheet covering his delicious abs. Thank goodness.
I tiptoe to the shower softly, dropping my clothes on the closed toilet lid and stepping into the gloriously warm spray.
Scrubbing my face, I stare at the water swirling around my feet to the drain. Okay. So, Viper was alone in bed. He didn’t bring anyone home. That doesn’t mean anything. He could have slept with someone at the clubhouse last night. Shelley once told me that the first time she screwed Merch was at the clubhouse. I only hope it wasn’t Joey.
Dressing, I brush my teeth and head to the lounge room. My feet falter as I pass his door. There still is no sound of him stirring, but he had a late night. He might not be up for hours.
Even though he is asleep, I still don’t want to be in the house with him. I’ll end up cleaning and stewing, picturing how he could have been screwing groupies in the clubhouse – like he screwed me before the party.
Ugh. I need to get out of here. I’m my own worst enemy at times, and right now is one of those times. I grab my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, and let myself out.
It is June next week. Summer. The heat washes over me as I walk into Downtown from where we are on the fringes of the South Side. Dilapidated houses give way to apartment blocks and then shiny skyscrapers.
I could go to the Mall, but I’m not really feeling it. Downtown has some cute strip malls. I might check them out. There’s a furniture store I love sighing over – I could never afford anything in it. Beside it is a lingerie store, with sexy pieces of fabric displayed in the windows.
Usually, I would giggle over them, but I turn away today, moving along the strip mall. Lingerie makes me think of Joey, and I don’t want to think about Joey because then I’ll think about Viper and what he might have gotten up to last night – and with who. Ugh.
Pictures of houses catch my eye. Real estate listings. Crossing the street, I study them carefully, my eyes flickering from price tag to price tag. Nothing in my price range. Of course there’s nothing in my price range. This was wishful thinking.
Groaning, I turn away from the window, dig my phone out of my pocket, and pull up the messaging app. I create a group chat with Shelley and Lisa, drumming my fingers against the sides of the phone.Not fucking happening, Peaches. You live in there.
Whatever. I’m a grown woman. I don’t have to do exactly what Viper says just because he screwed me first.
NAOMI: Hi ladies. I’m still looking for places to stay permanently. Let me know if you hear anything in your buildings.
SHELLEY: Of course. I’ll tell Vicky to listen out too. She lives in an apartment building on the South Side.
NAOMI: Perfect. You guys are the best!
“Naomi White?”
My head snaps up, and I shove my phone back into my bag.
“Dr. Jessup.” I smile warmly at Mama’s doctor as he comes to a halt beside me, a branded bag for a bookstore down the strip mall in his hand.
“How are you, Naomi?”
I blink at the warm, caring tone. Mama liked Dr. Jessup because she felt he was supremely knowledgeable. He lives in the northern suburbs, near the eastern side – so he’s practically one of the town richies. That was enough for Mama to trust him.
I trusted and liked him because he was always polite and consistently caring for Mama, even when she was stubborn and didn’t want to listen to the best treatment options. I remember the hour he spent with her, painstakingly going over why essential oils wouldn’t work.
“I’m okay, Dr. Jessup. Busy working.”
He nods, his eyes searching my face. He checks his watch, looking around, his eyes lingering on a diner near us.
“I have a craving for a bacon cheeseburger. Lunch? My treat.”
I hesitate for a moment, my eyes darting to his left hand, his wedding ring jumping out at me. He catches my eye movement and chuckles.
“This is not a date. Think of it as a follow-up consultation. A free one with a free meal.”