Page 34 of Viper
“She spent her whole life looking after us when we were little. It seemed right to return the favor.”
Dr. Jessup nods thoughtfully, flashing me a bright, white smile. “I wish more children thought like you. I don’t always see people at their best, and sickness doesn’t tend to bring out the best in people.”
I think of Mama, cantankerous and sometimes cruel when she was in pain. “They manage the best they can.”
“And that answer is why I always respected you. Here you go.”
Glancing over, I smile my thanks as I slide out of the car. The house is still and closed up. Viper must not be awake yet.
Stifling a yawn, I roll out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom. I feel a little more human after a shower. It was late when I got home. It took everything I had not to go back into Naomi’s room, wake her up and fuck her bad mood away. But I decided against it.
Hell. Maybe I’ll do that now. Leaning against her doorframe, I rap my knuckles on the door, frowning as it creaks open. She mustn’t have closed it properly.
A peek into the neatly kept room confirms it is empty. I stride through the house, poking my head into every room. Nowhere. What the fuck?
This is starting to become a Saturday ritual, and I don’t like it. Finishing my search in the kitchen, I open the fridge, frowning as I make a PB&J sandwich, eating it over the sink. Surely she isn’t at the diner with Shelley again?
A flash of black catches my eye. That’s different. As I watch, a shiny, expensive Porsche pulls up at the curb. Maybe they’re lost. This isn’t the best neighborhood to get lost in, especially not in a car worththatmuch.
I’m not assessing the car's value as the door opens and Naomi climbs out. What the fuck is she doing in a car like that? Who the fuck does she know with a car like that?
My eyes narrow as Naomi bends down, her T-shirt riding up to expose a line of flesh above her denim shorts. I lick my lips at the sight. I could run my tongue over that strip of skin. Her breath would be all panting and sexy if I did.
She says something to the driver, laughing as she closes the door. The darkly tinted window is down, and the fucker waves to her as he drives off. My eyes are laser-focused on the dude.
He’d be maybe in his forties. Fit, handsome, and clearly loaded. What the hell? Anger surges through me as Naomi walks up the path, happily smiling. Who the fuck was that joker to put that look on her face? OnlyIshould be putting that look on her face.
Throwing my sandwich in the trash, I stalk over to the door, reaching it as she’s coming inside.
“Who the fuck was that?” I growl. Naomi’s eyes are wide as she startles, stopping and staring at me, blinking innocently.
“Dr. Jessup.”
That name means nothing to me. The only doc I know is Doc Menzies.
“Who the fuck is Dr. Jessup?”
Naomi shrugs, toying with her purse. “Mama’s doctor.”
Okay. But her mother is dead. Has been for months. What kind of shady ass doctor is dropping his dead patient’s kid home on a Saturday morning. Fuck. Was she even still in the house when I got home last night? What if she went out to meet up with this doctor prick? My stomach churns, my half-eaten PB&J sandwich sitting heavily.
“Why the fuck were you in his car?”
Naomi shoots me a look, rolling her eyes. “Because he offered me a lift home from Downtown.”
When? When did he offer her this lift? This morning? Last night when he picked her up and took her to his place?
My teeth grit as I force the words out. “Why the fuck were you Downtown?”
“To see the realtor about listings.”
Fuckingwhat? I thought I made it clear she lives here. The doctor and the idea Naomi might have spent the night with him are driven out of my head. I have much bigger questions right now.
“Why thefuckwould you need to see a realtor?”
“Because I need to find a place to live.”