Page 39 of Viper
Nodding, I walk outside, take a shaking breath, and turn my feet back toward Viper’s house. I retrace my steps, the sun closer to the middle of the sky now and hotter than ever.
I let it bake on my head, warming me to my toes. I hope Viper doesn’t think my buying the pill is too presumptuous. He did say he wasn’t having sex with anyone else. I know he said he didn’t care that I wasn’t on birth control, but I think that was an “I don’t care for tonight”, not a “let’s wing it and see what happens”. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to trap him with a kid.
Plus, even if Viper would be okay with us having a baby, and I was miraculously okay with it too, I shudder to think of Joey’s reaction. She’d slaughter me. She would hate me tying myself to the club like that.
Chapter 15
Rolling over with a yawn, I grope around the cold, empty sheets. What the fuck? My eyes snap open, and I jackknife upright, my eyes darting around the room. Apart from me, it’s very fucking empty. Exactly how it shouldn’t be.
Naomi fell asleep in my arms in this bed last night, and she should fucking be in them when I wake up. No exceptions. Frowning, I shove back the coverlet, swinging my feet over the side and standing. I cast a glare at the bed. The empty bed.
When I woke up this morning, I had plans about what I wanted to do with Naomi’s delicious body. I had her three times last night – barebacking is a whole new world for me – and I wasn’t ready to leave the bedroom yet. Now, I guess I have to.
Striding out of the bedroom, I shower and pad back through the house, peering into all the rooms. She’s not in her bedroom either – so at least she didn’t sneak out of my bed to sleep alone – if fact, Naomi isn’t in the house at all.
Who spends Sunday morning sneaking out of my bed and out of the house? A lazy Sunday morning in bed would have been perfect. I’m going to have to teach that woman how to relax.
She’s so used to running around looking after everyone else. It’s about time she lay back and let me give her some orgasms. I have several positions I want to try with her – each one more pleasurable than the last.
Unfortunately, for that to be possible, she needs to be fuckinghere. Stomping to the kitchen, I tamp down on my annoyance, drinking from the milk carton, frowning down at it. Naomi would be telling me to use a glass if she was here.
Shoving the milk back into the fridge, I grab an apple, crunching on it as I watch the road out the window above the sink. She better not come home in that doctor’s car again.
The coffee machine is empty. Naomi didn’t even stay long enough for a coffee. My heart thumps in my chest – what if she spooked and ran out of here in a panic? Last night was…real. Now that I’ve had Peaches raw, I’m not going back.
Flicking on the machine, I lean against the Formica countertop and toy with my phone. Should I check in on her? Make sure she’s not hiding out somewhere, panicking.
The coffee machine beeps, the tempting smell filling the small kitchen distracting me. I shove my phone back into my pocket, pour a mug of coffee, cross through the archway to the living room, drop onto the couch, and prop my feet on the low table, flicking on the TV and promptly ignoring the baseball game that lights up the screen.
Staring unseeing, I spin my phone around in circles on my jean-clad thigh, sipping at my coffee. Naomi bought different coffee for the machine. It’s nicer than what I used to use. I think it’s what her Mama liked. Mom is a sweet tea drinker. She never had time for coffee, so I bought the first packet on the shelf whenever I went to the grocery store.
Naomi always buys the same stuff. I give her money for my share of the groceries, and she cooks for me. It’s better than the TV meals I was living off. Bareback sex, a shining clean house, good coffee, delicious food – I’m living the dream – if only she would stop making a habit of not being here when I wake up on the weekends.
The screen door creaks open, and my eyes flicker over. I didn’t hear a car, and if the slight sheen of sweat pebbling on her hairline and her gorgeously flushed pink cheeks are anything to go by, she walked back from wherever it was. Maybe she met up with Shelley at the diner near Palmer’s again?
Dumping my mug onto the coffee table, I shove to my feet, my phone clattering to the floor. Naomi’s eyes flicker to it, but I ignore it.
“You need to stop leaving while I’m asleep, Peaches,” I growl at her.
Blinking innocently, Naomi shrugs, stepping into the house and letting the door swing shut behind her with a muted clang. She kicks off her tennis shoes, leaving them beside the shoe rack she installed the other week, padding through the house.
My eyes are glued to her face, but I blow out a breath as she blushes, smiling and ducking her eyes – not panicking then. As she passes me, a rustle of plastic alerts me to the fact that wherever she was, she was shopping.
I snag the plastic bag, open it, and peer in. There are two small boxes and a receipt. Fishing the docket out, my eyes dart over it. It’s from a pharmacy.
Naomi is chewing her lower lip, staring at the carpet, and shuffling her feet. Plan B. That’s probably a good idea. Bareback sex is great. Babies… not so much. I don’t recognize the second item on the list, and fish out the two boxes. Plan B and birth control pills.
Relief surges through me. It looks like Naomi was planning ahead while I was thinking with my dick. Dropping the receipt and pill boxes back into the bag, I hand it back to her. She smiles, blinking in surprise as I trail her to the kitchen, watching her check the packets and take the Plan B pill. She also pops a birth control pill out of the package, swallowing it with some water.
“Good thinking, Peaches,” I grunt at her. “I can’t go back to condoms.”
She flushes, shuffling her feet. “You’ll have to for a little while. It takes a week until the birth control is fully effective.”
A week? That’s fucking bullshit. But if it’s the only way to keep having Peaches raw… “I can wait a week.”
Naomi nods, leaving the packet on the counter and pouring herself a coffee on her way to the living room. When she sinks onto the couch, I drop beside her, retrieving my phone and throwing it onto the coffee table.