Page 8 of Viper
Buster rolls his eyes, muttering something under his breath. He and Lacey don’t have kids, so I get that he doesn’t give a fuck about this, but it’s still club business.
“She checks out. Grew up over on the South Side, went to college at USC, came back here to be the mother’s carer.”
“What happened to the mother?” Fangs asks. No idea why the fuck he cares – maybe his daughter got knocked up.
“Dead,” Strafe grunts, turning his head to look at the treasurer. “They buried her yesterday.”
“That explains Joey’s…ah… temperament,” Palmer snorts. Merch kicks him under the table, and Holton sighs.
“New girl looking after the babies. Next item.”
“There’s a run up to San Francisco in two days.”
Buster looks over, giving a quick rundown of what he expects. There and back, a single night, running some guns. Easy enough.
“Last item on the list, boys,” I say, cutting through the ribbing Buster is currently getting about whether his old lady will unchain his ankle and let him go on the run. They all pay attention turning back to me.
“A couple of votes.” That has everyone’s attention. “As you know, the South Side is getting out of hand. The SRPD are fucking useless cunts who pretty much avoid the area now. We’ve been keeping an eye on things, but our enforcers are being stretched too thin.”
“Fucking A, we are,” Merch mutters, Palmer and Strafe rumbling their agreement.
“So we’re bringing some more boys on.”
“Who?” Palmer asks, his eyes drifting over the three empty seats at the foot of the table.
“Bullseye and Justice.”
There is another rumbling around the table, sounds of approval ringing out. Bullseye was always going to land at this table, and Justice is a good addition. Those two years on the force before he came over to the dark side and prospected here will help too.
“So, I’m nominating Bullseye and Justice as enforcers.”
“Seconded,” Aric grunts. The boys start slapping their hands on the table, signaling their approval for the nominations.
“Show of hands boys. Bullseye and Justice as enforcers.”
One by one, all the hands raise around the table.
Holton nods to me, and I leave the table, walking out of the chapel and down the corridor. Stepping into the bar, my eyes land on the two men in question, ribbing each other as they play pool.
“Bullseye, Justice,” I call over to them, drawing their attention to me.
“What’s up, boss?” Bullseye calls back, dropping his cue onto the table.
“You’re needed in the chapel.”
Two sets of eyebrows shoot up, but they both approach me, looking intrigued. I don’t blame them. The first time I set foot in the chapel as anything other than a hang around in there cleaning after hours was when I was voted in as secretary.
I hold the doors to the chapel open, and they file in, their eyes darting over the boys seated at the table. Clapping my hands on their shoulders, I steer them over to the two chairs beside Buster. They take their seats, looking around with wide eyes.
Digging the two patches out of my pocket, I drop them onto the table, one in front of each.Enforcerstares up at them as they reach out with hesitant fingers. I know I was sure as fuck nervous.
“It was unanimous boys. Welcome to the inner sanctum. Don’t fuck it up. Tammy-Lynn will sew those on for you when Church is over.”
They nod, for once awed into silence. Striding back around the table, I drop between Palmer and Aric into my chair as Holton stands. He gives a rundown of the club’s new position on the South Side.
“We’re the authority there now, boys,” he finishes, taking his seat. “It’s clear the cops have abdicated their duties. It’s up to us to keep things in line. Cultivate your sources. Make sure people know that if something goes down, we’re their first call.”