Page 123 of Sinful Kingdom
“Meh,” Isla says, doing a really bad job of pretending.
Finally, Theo manages to relax. And while everyone might have Rhea pegged as the wild child, she’s actually very well behaved and doesn’t overdo the alcohol, unlike Stella and Emmie, whose cocktails only get stronger with every one they make.
I’m once again lost in Alex’s arms, his lips on mine and our tongues twisted together, when someone demands the music be cut.
The room is immediately plunged into silence as I look around to see what’s going on.
In the entrance to the kitchen, Jodie stands with her phone pressed to her ear and all the blood drained from her face.
“What’s going on?” I whisper, terrified to break the silence.
“No idea, but whatever it is doesn’t look good.”
“NO,” she cries, backing away from where Toby is standing before her, desperate to find out what’s going on. “NO. No. She won’t have done that, she won’t—”
“Shit,” I hiss, my heart sinking despite not knowing what’s being said on the other end of the phone.
Bri jumps to her feet and rushes over, crowding her with Toby.
“NO. No,” she cries, tears flooding down her cheeks.
Her phone slips from her hand, landing on the floor with a soft thud. Her knees buckle, but long before she goes down, Toby is there and has her in his arms.
Her cries are harrowing, and they rock me to my very core.
Alex’s arms tighten around me as both Toby and Brianna hold Jodie up.
I don’t need to ask what’s happened. I’ve heard enough about what’s been going on in Jodie’s life to guess.
Emotion burns up my throat, tears stinging the backs of my eyes as I watch the two of them try to console her.
No one speaks bar their whispers, the atmosphere in the room turning sombre. It’s a far cry from the happiness and laughter we’ve been experiencing all night.
“Jessie,” Jodie suddenly cries. “We need to go to Jessie.”
She fights her way out of Toby and Bri’s arms and rushes across the room for her shoes.
“We need to go now. Call an Uber to Lovell; we’ve all had too much to drink.”
Brianna looks across the room at Nico, who’s hovering in front of the sofa, not knowing what to do.
“I’m on it,” he agrees, pulling his phone from his pocket and rushing across the room. “It’s five minutes away,” he says after confirming the ride. “You two go; we’re right behind you,” he says, pushing his feet into his own shoes as Jodie and Toby flee the flat.
Bri looks back at everyone, her own cheeks wet with tears.
“Sara, she…” Widening her shoulders, she pulls herself together, being strong for her best friend. “She took a load of pills. By the time her parents found her, it was too late.”
“What can we do?” Rhea asks in a rush, showing a side to her that I’m not sure most people know exists.
Brianna swipes her tears from her cheeks.
“I’m not sure there’s anything that can be done.”
“Babe, we need to go if you want—”
“We’ll message. Let you know what’s going on,” Nico promises before they disappear from sight.