Page 130 of Sinful Kingdom
“This is nice,” Evie says, snuggling into my side.
“What? Listening to my best friends’ girls debate who’s the biggest whore?”
Evie snorts. “Is there even a debate? Stella hands down.”
“I heard that,” the girl in question teases.
“You were meant to,” Evie quips back.
Stella, Emmie, Brianna and Calli fall into conversation about where we’re going, and my attention turns to Jodie and Toby, who are sitting quietly beside us.
“How’s our girl doing?” I whisper to Toby.
“Yeah, you know,” he says sadly.
Combing my fingers through my hair, I glance at Jodie once more. She’s lost in her own little world, looking sad.
“I just wish I could do something to help. I’m hoping this break will give her something else to think about.”
Hera has been great in giving Jodie the time she needs to deal with her grief. But that meant she’s had no focus other than the pain and Jessie detaching himself from life.
I can’t help but wonder if she’d have been better off working to help distract her.
“It’s going to be epic. And she’ll get there. You’ll get your girl back.”
“I know.” Wrapping his arm around Jodie’s shoulders, he presses a kiss to her temple.
“You okay?” she asks him.
“Of course, Demon. We’re going to fucking Florida.”
She smiles. To anyone who doesn’t know her as well as us, they might think she’s okay. But there are shadows in her eyes.
“Are you going to show me where we’re staying yet?” Evie sulks.
The whole ride here, Stella has teased us all about where we’re going once we arrive, but apparently, Brianna is the only one in on that secret. Not even Theo knows. Or if he does, he’s just playing along.
“Nope. It’s a surprise.”
“And the others are meeting us there?” Calli asks.
“Everyone?” I ask.
“Harley and Kyle, Poppy and Zayn and Ruby and Ash.”
“What about Reid?” Jodie asks, proving that she’s actually listening.
“We’re going to meet up while we’re there. He’s got too much scary gang shit to deal with to have a holiday,” Brianna says, rolling her eyes.
By the time our gate appears on the big screens above the bar, the girls have had one too many cocktails and our beers have been going down a little too well.
“I’m so fucking glad you got us first class, princess,” Seb slurs. “Can’t wait for a nap.”
“As if that’s what you’re going to be doing in your little cubby,” Daemon snorts, grabbing both his and Calli’s carry-ons.
“I feel sorry for the flight attendants, that’s all I’m going to say,” Theo adds.