Page 60 of Sinful Kingdom
His tired eyes find mine, and I swear my heart splits in two.
Every time I’ve looked into his eyes, I’ve seen a little more of his innocence vanish. It reminds me of being a kid and looking at my other half.
Daemon got darker and more detached with every visit to our grandparents. I hated every moment, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it.
Right now, though, I can do something. And I will. I’ll do anything to get him away from all this.
No one responds to my demands. And from the blank expressions on their faces, I’m not even sure they hear my pleas.
The guys and I might be cold, Daemon especially, but we’d never, ever force a child to suffer like this.
They stare up at me with excitement twinkling in their eyes, and I can’t lie, it brings me so fucking close to giving up.
There is literally nothing I can do, hanging up here. If they decide to hurt Zay, there is fuck all I can do about it other than be forced to watch.
“Right then,” Grant says, clapping his hands together. “Shall we?”
My blood runs cold as a million and one possibilities run through my head.
“NO,” I roar when the two guards protecting Zay drag him to his feet.
“Scream all you like,” Grant taunts. “No one can hear you, and no one is coming.”
I thrash against my bindings, desperate to get free, to help him.
But the only thing I achieve is slicing my skin up with the straps, causing blood to run faster over my body, dripping onto the stone floor beneath.
“We’ll be back.” Peter’s dark voice echoes through the space before they all disappear, leaving nothing but the crash of a slamming door behind them.
My chest heaves, pain flooding through every inch of my body.
But there’s nothing I can do. Literally fucking nothing but hang here and hope that I’ll still be coherent when they get back.
Each second feels like an hour, each minute a day, each hour…
I’ve no idea how long I hang there with any kind of hope draining out of me that my boys are going to come, that I’m going to be rescued before I bleed out here. All I can hope is that they’re treating Evie well. That they’re giving her everything she needs, everything she deserves.
Squeezing my eyes closed, I think back over every moment we’ve had together, forcing my brain to take me from this hopeless situation to happier times.
She’s not here. She’s not here, I repeat over and over.
I’ve no idea how long passes, and I’m not entirely sure if I’m asleep or losing the will to live when the slamming of a heavy door somewhere in the distance grabs my attention.
Footsteps and loud voices filter down to me, although they’re not loud enough for me to actually hear anything, to make out what’s going on.
All I can do is pray that it has nothing to do with Zay.
I suck in a deep breath and roll my neck. It’s the only thing I have control of right now, but it does little to make me feel any better or give my body any relief.
My heart continues to race, beating completely out of rhythm. Fear knots up at my inside—not for me, though. For Zay. And emotion burns up the back of my throat, making my nose itch and my eyes red hot.
It’s hopeless. Utterly hopeless.
I wince as I glance at my right arm. The straps were wrapped tight anyway, but add my weight and they’re cutting through my skin like it’s nothing more than tissue paper.
My stomach turns over at the sight of the blood dripping from my arms. My vision begins to fade out a little.