Page 70 of Sinful Kingdom
In only a minute, they’re on top of them. Seb, Alex and Nico hold me while the others work their way through all the straps holding me.
The pain is fucking unbearable as they undo each one, and I don’t need to look to know how much blood I’m losing. I can feel it running down my body, and my head is getting light as fuck.
“These scars are going to look sick, man,” Seb says, trying to keep the mood as light as possible.
“They’ll get me all the girls, yeah?” I croak quietly.
“Dunno about that, Bro,” Daemon says, unstrapping the belt around my waist. “I’m pretty sure there’s only one you need to pay attention to.”
I groan, closing my eyes as I think about how beautiful she is. How fucking strong she was only minutes ago down there.
“She’s incredible,” I whisper.
“Mate, you have no fucking idea,” Ant says, making my eyes pop open. “I’ll explain later.”
I nod, silently taking him up on that offer as Seb, Theo, and Nico take more of my weight as I’m released with a pained groan.
“We got you, man. It’s over,” Theo assures me.
The second I’m on my feet, Dad stands before me.
His eyes search mine, allowing me to see the paternal concern that’s always there, hidden right under the surface.
“I’m okay,” I assure him.
I’m not sure if he thinks my knees buckle—to be fair, that could be the reason—but I throw myself into his body and wrap my fucked-up arms around him.
He stiffens against me. We’ve never really been all that affectionate with hugs. That’s Mum’s department. But right now, I fucking need it.
“Come on, Son. Let’s get you out of here. Your mum is waiting.”
With Dad and Daemon on either side of me, we make our way back down the aisle, leaving that fucking cross and this whole shitshow behind us.
“Did you get them all?” I ask roughly.
“You fucking know it,” Daemon agrees proudly. “All present, accounted for, and deader than a fucking dodo.”
“But just in case one is still breathing, we have one final gift for them,” Nico says, sounding utterly deranged.
It takes all my effort, but when I look back, I find him smiling like a maniac.
As we burst through the main entrance to the church, more figures dressed head to toe in black with guns and knives in hand come running forward.
“They let you party with the big boys again, huh?”
“Like they could fucking stop us,” Stella says, her wide-arse grin matching Emmie’s before someone else comes running.
“Mum,” I breathe, taking in her wide, terrified eyes. “I’m okay. I’m o—”
Zay trembles in my arms violently as I hold him tightly against my chest.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s over,” I whisper into the top of his head.
We’re in the back of one of the cars that was parked outside the church entrance when we stumbled out with Luciana.